My god, terran v terran at its best. game 2 was particularly satisfying with the glorious tech shifts by MVP showing mastery level not normally seen. Usually players harass with 1 strategy. He used an intriguing opening with mauraders into 2 tech switches, first in cloaked banshee supported by some amazing harass with blue flame helion drops leading into a pure mech steady build. Ownage ensued;)
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great games
My god, terran v terran at its best. game 2 was particularly satisfying with the glorious tech shifts by MVP showing mastery level not normally seen. Usually players harass with 1 strategy. He used an intriguing opening with mauraders into 2 tech switches, first in cloaked banshee supported by some amazing harass with blue flame helion drops leading into a pure mech steady build. Ownage ensued;)
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