Wow, what a nail-biting series! Really good game out of both players, and two really good casters as well.
Comment # 2 by fabimon
Player suck,s , is best!!
Comment # 3 by andrew_howlett
Idra should have played it out in game 1. This is pro and he is getting paid by the viewers.
Comment # 4 by walklightwhat
lol @3. go troll somewhere else.
Comment # 5 by s4life
true though.. imagine if pro tennis players did that, Idra gets away with it and other retarded shit coz puberts who think it's cool to be an dickwad
Comment # 6 by ryanlk
MLG needs to step up their game because this player is GARBAGE
Comment # 7 by bugsquash
use a decent viewr - this one's pathetic
Comment # 8 by jimbone
good series. don't like mrbitter's commentary much though
Comment # 9 by Alleji
MLG player is fucking shit
Comment # 10 by shamelend
30 mutas with +2+0 can only die to thors.
idra could have sniped armory and factorys faster or at least leave mutas magic boxed so u dont lose 14 in 1shot
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Wow, what a nail-biting series! Really good game out of both players, and two really good casters as well.
Player suck,s , is best!!
Idra should have played it out in game 1. This is pro and he is getting paid by the viewers.
lol @3. go troll somewhere else.
true though.. imagine if pro tennis players did that, Idra gets away with it and other retarded shit coz puberts who think it's cool to be an dickwad
MLG needs to step up their game because this player is GARBAGE
use a decent viewr - this one's pathetic
good series. don't like mrbitter's commentary much though
MLG player is fucking shit
30 mutas with +2+0 can only die to thors.
idra could have sniped armory and factorys faster or at least leave mutas magic boxed so u dont lose 14 in 1shot
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