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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
thumbs down for the caster
HD, I really enjoyed the game, but you have to pay more attention to the minimap. You don't catch small, but important moves, as for example when Kiwi scouted Vibe's third hatchery early on.
Otherwise, great games. Room for improvement for HD :) But keep it up, you are doing great!
Just watched the game again before I wrote this comment, and GOD it annoys me that you don't pay attention to the minimap... :-) Please... Rather skip some of the random talk, than missing action.
You must be terrible at spotting drops in your own games :D haha
second #3
great game. nice strategy by kiwikaki, awfull response by vibe: i mean that colossus drop went way to far. he had a spire, only need a couple of corruptors to ward away the prism...
HD: As for the mass warpgate+colossus was no blunder. kiwikaki intended to abuse warp prism and altough he cant keep all warpgates producing constantly, if u have 8 gates thats 8 units at a time in your oponents main. this plus the warp prism cargo makes an instant small army
you might be confused as a caster if you completely miss an 8-unit warp-in at a zerg's third, that's true HD...
Agree with #3. Although the sensation factor is highest with HD, so it's still an enjoyable cast :)
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