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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Sheth is a ZvP expert; this is just awful play. He was waaaaaay ahead after that goofy opening by Rainbow, but he just totally misplays vs. mech: doesn't expand, gets melee/carapace/muta upgrades, tries to mass lings... awful. Even if you scout it as late as he did you should cancel those upgrades and sink the money into expos/roach attack/hive tech for broodlords. +2 armor doesn't help anything when tanks/Thors do a bazillion damage per shot
we'll whats there about to say, Z had hard time with expanding due to Ts harrassment early on and during the whole game. T switched to high tier tech units during midgame while being aggressive at the same time, gg! ?
Wow. What great mech play. We need to see more on this for T.
This is a great example on how to shut down Z. T never lets Z sit around and drone up without some form of harassment. Even if the harassment doesn't do enough damage, it still can cause upsets in the Z timings. Plus, the loss of queens in the first couple of harassments caused issues for z as well.
All the "mech doesn't work" group need to watch this replay and try to adjust the metagame accordingly. GG!
Yooin is Startale_Rainb0w's US account.
I have to agree with #1. Sheth played absolutely horrible. I have to wonder why he sent *all* his lings to his opponent's base leaving his own undefended when he knows that there's drops around (6:50-8:30 video time). Plus needless suicides at 9:20 and 10:30, throwing away around 60 lings. TB's analysis is right: "Interesting decision". To say the least. You better use those lings to take map control and build another hatch.
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