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Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
epic 1st game !!!
epic series !!! VERY VERY NICE !!
I really like MKP's play. Always entertaining to watch :D
Teairran :D
game 1 was so stupid. mc could have stomped him at almost any time. they had somekinda deal going.
mc over committed with his biggest deathball, then it was pretty much vike vs void , and vikes out range + out run voids so yea.. still a cool game
#6 is right, game 1 was definitely a joke, maybe even fixed
bo3 TvP with no maraudas, very entertaining! It does seem like game #1 was a little sus, both players going mass tier 3 air. Both were very vunerable at the start.
Game 1 was just a question of "send 6-8 zealots to each Terran mining base and watch the fun". No bio, no ground mech (helions against zealots and stalkers, really?), no PFs, no defense whatsoever. That would've been auto-win for Protoss in the gold league any day.
@ #10 Gold league terrans don't have MKP's control. You realize of course how he landed his vikings and used them for defense against gateway units. People underestimate the Viking's DPS. It's 12. A stalker got 7 (10 vs armored).
Marine KIIIIIIIIIIIING! He's King, you gotta hand it to him!
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