Sheth > Stephano strategically against Polt. Well played!
Comment # 2 by H1111
Great game, but tasteless's bronze league analysis doesn't really interest me, or it's even annoying.
Comment # 3 by kanerko
Awesooooome game and casting
Comment # 4 by petroz
They need Adebisi observing, there was some really sloppy camera control in this series.
Comment # 5 by GreenHerb
very nice games, but the camera control was sloppy
Comment # 6 by aratosm
zerg op
Comment # 7 by ThorIsHere
great games, but why are tasteless and artosis sitting around in the dark?
Comment # 8 by sigurdur12
Game 2 14:30 BEAUTIFUL MINDGAME BY SHETH! Look at that shit, that's asian level mindufkcing. He makes it look like the overlords pick the lings up but in reality he burrows. Polt thinks he just picked up and bailed and leaves the lings burrowed. CAN YOU SEE THE GENIUS? I just became a Sheth fanboy
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Sheth > Stephano strategically against Polt. Well played!
Great game, but tasteless's bronze league analysis doesn't really interest me, or it's even annoying.
Awesooooome game and casting
They need Adebisi observing, there was some really sloppy camera control in this series.
very nice games, but the camera control was sloppy
zerg op
great games, but why are tasteless and artosis sitting around in the dark?
Game 2 14:30 BEAUTIFUL MINDGAME BY SHETH! Look at that shit, that's asian level mindufkcing. He makes it look like the overlords pick the lings up but in reality he burrows. Polt thinks he just picked up and bailed and leaves the lings burrowed. CAN YOU SEE THE GENIUS? I just became a Sheth fanboy
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