What a pleasant surprise that Artosis is casting! :D
Comment # 2 by Fingo
Ps. It originally said that Dj Wheat and Day 9 was casters, but they corrected it.
Comment # 3 by petroz
Great series to finish out a fantastic tournament!
Comment # 4 by GreenHerb
mkp so good
Comment # 5 by kumapz
waves after waves of bio-force ..MKP's playing Terrain as Zerg =)) lol
Comment # 6 by Madrox
WTF. DRG didn't play well at all.
Comment # 7 by bigbug
Hard to play well against Mkp. Although I agree he hasn't looked as good as usual since his gsl win. Mkp finally getting the results he deserves is good to see :)
Comment # 8 by Mynd
MKP's macro was beautiful.
The casting was a blurb of bullshit and bad English. It's time these two move on, they have no game understanding and no stage presence. Tasteless had nothing interesting to say in any of the games and just forced words out of his mouth and Artosis simply doesn't know enough about SC to make up for it.
Comment # 9 by coldcase
Mkp is the reason people think terran is op. He is just the best player in the world.
Comment # 10 by AsSaSsIn3228
yes i am a nerd so i ask, where are these games take place at? where can i watch the tournaments? online and in person, id like to know both, thank you
Comment # 11 by uboinikov
Reg. Artosis and Tasteless.
The way it usually is that the whole country knows how to play football and which strategy to use to win. They all know it perfectly. Except for 11 men and a coach.
Comment # 12 by Leemobile
You know Artosis is pretty good at SC2. He's high Masters on the Korean server, which is probably equivalent to GM level in North America. He's not professional caliber, but he definitely understand the game at a high level.
Comment # 13 by H1111
Artosis is fine as a caster, but tasteless is just pure bad, stuttering a lot and giving no insight to the game at all.
Comment # 14 by Erufailon
That kid is amazing. That micro. That macro. He exhausted DRG, waves of attacks, one after the other. It was just PERFECT.
P.S.: Terran OP? Yea, it's f...ing OP when you are MKP, when you are TSLHeart you lose 2-1.
Comment # 15 by AlienMenace
That's the way to play Terran! The Zapp Brannigan strategy! Sending wave after wave of your own men at them till they shut down! :P
Comment # 16 by DavidFenner
Drg needs to be a little more creative... a few borrowed banelings would have done soo much
Comment # 17 by tomle0111
I like the dancing part near the end of MKP ^^ I will be one of yr fan MKP.
Comment # 18 by fatam
I'm not sure @ the "WTF DRG didn't play well" comment. I think it's more that MarineKing forces you into bad situations.
Comment # 19 by SirSpunky
DRG wasn't as strong mentally in this tournament as MKP. Too much hesitation, somewhat unstable, although I loved his timed baneling busts and thorough scouting.
MKP played amazingly well most of the time, but I think the matches would have been much more even if DRG had been at the top of his game. Still many good games.
Comment # 20 by Jasey
MMM plus the skill of MKP is unstoppable.
Comment # 21 by Kreature9
So glad to see MKP win again. Its well deserved and these wins have been a long time comin for him if you ask me.
I think DRG played well. Honestly it just looked like MKP was more hungry out of the two for this win. Its possible MKP's confidence broke DRG's will to play his absolute best.
Very very good series. Rivals? I'd say heck yes! Love watching these two players go at it.. just so exciting to watch.
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What a pleasant surprise that Artosis is casting! :D
Ps. It originally said that Dj Wheat and Day 9 was casters, but they corrected it.
Great series to finish out a fantastic tournament!
mkp so good
waves after waves of bio-force ..MKP's playing Terrain as Zerg =)) lol
WTF. DRG didn't play well at all.
Hard to play well against Mkp. Although I agree he hasn't looked as good as usual since his gsl win. Mkp finally getting the results he deserves is good to see :)
MKP's macro was beautiful.
The casting was a blurb of bullshit and bad English. It's time these two move on, they have no game understanding and no stage presence. Tasteless had nothing interesting to say in any of the games and just forced words out of his mouth and Artosis simply doesn't know enough about SC to make up for it.
Mkp is the reason people think terran is op. He is just the best player in the world.
yes i am a nerd so i ask, where are these games take place at? where can i watch the tournaments? online and in person, id like to know both, thank you
Reg. Artosis and Tasteless.
The way it usually is that the whole country knows how to play football and which strategy to use to win. They all know it perfectly. Except for 11 men and a coach.
You know Artosis is pretty good at SC2. He's high Masters on the Korean server, which is probably equivalent to GM level in North America. He's not professional caliber, but he definitely understand the game at a high level.
Artosis is fine as a caster, but tasteless is just pure bad, stuttering a lot and giving no insight to the game at all.
That kid is amazing. That micro. That macro. He exhausted DRG, waves of attacks, one after the other. It was just PERFECT.
P.S.: Terran OP? Yea, it's f...ing OP when you are MKP, when you are TSLHeart you lose 2-1.
That's the way to play Terran! The Zapp Brannigan strategy! Sending wave after wave of your own men at them till they shut down! :P
Drg needs to be a little more creative... a few borrowed banelings would have done soo much
I like the dancing part near the end of MKP ^^ I will be one of yr fan MKP.
I'm not sure @ the "WTF DRG didn't play well" comment. I think it's more that MarineKing forces you into bad situations.
DRG wasn't as strong mentally in this tournament as MKP. Too much hesitation, somewhat unstable, although I loved his timed baneling busts and thorough scouting.
MKP played amazingly well most of the time, but I think the matches would have been much more even if DRG had been at the top of his game. Still many good games.
MMM plus the skill of MKP is unstoppable.
So glad to see MKP win again. Its well deserved and these wins have been a long time comin for him if you ask me.
I think DRG played well. Honestly it just looked like MKP was more hungry out of the two for this win. Its possible MKP's confidence broke DRG's will to play his absolute best.
Very very good series. Rivals? I'd say heck yes! Love watching these two players go at it.. just so exciting to watch.
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