wolf and biscuit: cast what's going on in the game. in game 1 you spent 15 minutes talking about how ahead drg was.
Comment # 3 by malburian
game 3 is here: http://bcove.me/i0268oay
and it is epic :)
Comment # 4 by dzatara
very bad video quality ...
Comment # 5 by santah
game 3 added here as well :)
Comment # 6 by tommunation
wow... just... wow!!!
Comment # 7 by disquieter
Game 3 ... OMG ... where did all those units come from!?!?
Comment # 8 by gtsc
After the epic zergling runby @ 11 mins if DRG had kept fungling at 11:50 it should have been gg. Later if DRG focused the medivacs with his corruptors he may have had a change, otherwise 3/3 marine + medivac = OP.
Comment # 9 by Skiddywinks
Game 3 was simply incredible. Amazing. Even the casters start getting hype.
Comment # 10 by henryinspace
Holy Shit
Comment # 11 by downtown1441
Just in case you needed any more evidence that the medivac and mule mechanics are utterly and completely broken.
Worker count was 91 to 19. That was beyond asinine.
Comment # 12 by mooted
You're an idiot. Polt was ahead in army supply by 30-40.
Comment # 13 by Osiris88
That was one of the best games I have ever seen. As painful as that was for me to watch as a Zerg player, I have to give my credit to Polt. That micro in game 3 was phenomenal. Polt played on such a high level in all 3 games. Credit to DRG for playing well also.
Comment # 14 by Yabbadabbadoo
Game 2: 15:30 "his production is insane, he's Terran" ... nicely slipped in there, Wolf. Yeah. Blah blah blah queens are overpowered. Yeah, that's probably the balance problem here
Comment # 15 by Yabbadabbadoo
Granted, he actually lost game 2 when he kept pushing out for engagements off creep
Comment # 16 by fatam
That splitting + gigantic surround at the watchtower in game 3 was so, so disgusting.
Comment # 17 by MikeTizzy
holy fuck, i love my godly Terrans!!
Comment # 18 by cot
"Sick micro"!
Comment # 19 by lifesized
game 3 was truly mind blowing. It doesn't really get better finish than this!
Comment # 20 by dafors
Game 3 is the best game i have ever seen!
Comment # 21 by JSentencia
almost no mistakes in Polt's play!! excellent matchup
Comment # 22 by Endless
wow amazing stuff from Polt, if DRG waited a little longer then it could be the other way around.
Comment # 23 by FLiP
I used to be master league and now i just watch games erry now and then and i gotta say that battle at the watch tower on game 3 was perfection on Polts part. Simply AMAZING to watch and entertainment at its finest. Anyone who down votes this is a zerg player QQing over balance. 10/10
Comment # 24 by killith
Casters - Polt went 3fac in all three games. It's a pretty nice build altogether.
Other than that, great job guys!
Comment # 25 by Sueco
What a fucking joke. Look at DRG's cam in game 2. Zipping all over the map, multitasking like a his hair is on fire. Look at Polt's cam in game 3. Chillin, dropping mules, managing his two control groups... sigh.
Then game 3. Polt fucks up, leaves his base open. Loses 50 workers. For any other race it's gg. Nope. Mules + ridiculous bio cost-efficiency and he just sleepwalks into victory.
Comment # 26 by DJStrudel
what the fuck DRG! YOU HAD GAME 3!!!! Y U GG??
Comment # 27 by Bournekilla
You know every single Terran ground unit has been nerfed since release. Zerg has gotten nothing but buffs. if Terran is STLL OP, how did even one zerg win even a single game in the first 6 months?
Maybe you're just addicted to whining? i know when i lose a game i watch the replay and try to adapt my playstyle. Seems like so many Zergs just blame David Kim...
Comment # 28 by Yabbadabbadoo
Every single Terran ground unit has been nerfed since release. Zerg has gotten nothing but buffs. Terrans still dominate tournaments. Therefore, the game was balanced at release. QED.
Comment # 29 by raisinmcain
game 3 so overrated,hardly any action until end where guy leaves his base open loses workers then he flanks with a separate control group. really?
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Um, where's the epic game three?!
wolf and biscuit: cast what's going on in the game. in game 1 you spent 15 minutes talking about how ahead drg was.
game 3 is here: http://bcove.me/i0268oay
and it is epic :)
very bad video quality ...
game 3 added here as well :)
wow... just... wow!!!
Game 3 ... OMG ... where did all those units come from!?!?
After the epic zergling runby @ 11 mins if DRG had kept fungling at 11:50 it should have been gg. Later if DRG focused the medivacs with his corruptors he may have had a change, otherwise 3/3 marine + medivac = OP.
Game 3 was simply incredible. Amazing. Even the casters start getting hype.
Holy Shit
Just in case you needed any more evidence that the medivac and mule mechanics are utterly and completely broken.
Worker count was 91 to 19. That was beyond asinine.
You're an idiot. Polt was ahead in army supply by 30-40.
That was one of the best games I have ever seen. As painful as that was for me to watch as a Zerg player, I have to give my credit to Polt. That micro in game 3 was phenomenal. Polt played on such a high level in all 3 games. Credit to DRG for playing well also.
Game 2: 15:30 "his production is insane, he's Terran" ... nicely slipped in there, Wolf. Yeah. Blah blah blah queens are overpowered. Yeah, that's probably the balance problem here
Granted, he actually lost game 2 when he kept pushing out for engagements off creep
That splitting + gigantic surround at the watchtower in game 3 was so, so disgusting.
holy fuck, i love my godly Terrans!!
"Sick micro"!
game 3 was truly mind blowing. It doesn't really get better finish than this!
Game 3 is the best game i have ever seen!
almost no mistakes in Polt's play!! excellent matchup
wow amazing stuff from Polt, if DRG waited a little longer then it could be the other way around.
I used to be master league and now i just watch games erry now and then and i gotta say that battle at the watch tower on game 3 was perfection on Polts part. Simply AMAZING to watch and entertainment at its finest. Anyone who down votes this is a zerg player QQing over balance. 10/10
Casters - Polt went 3fac in all three games. It's a pretty nice build altogether.
Other than that, great job guys!
What a fucking joke. Look at DRG's cam in game 2. Zipping all over the map, multitasking like a his hair is on fire. Look at Polt's cam in game 3. Chillin, dropping mules, managing his two control groups... sigh.
Then game 3. Polt fucks up, leaves his base open. Loses 50 workers. For any other race it's gg. Nope. Mules + ridiculous bio cost-efficiency and he just sleepwalks into victory.
what the fuck DRG! YOU HAD GAME 3!!!! Y U GG??
You know every single Terran ground unit has been nerfed since release. Zerg has gotten nothing but buffs. if Terran is STLL OP, how did even one zerg win even a single game in the first 6 months?
Maybe you're just addicted to whining? i know when i lose a game i watch the replay and try to adapt my playstyle. Seems like so many Zergs just blame David Kim...
Every single Terran ground unit has been nerfed since release. Zerg has gotten nothing but buffs. Terrans still dominate tournaments. Therefore, the game was balanced at release. QED.
game 3 so overrated,hardly any action until end where guy leaves his base open loses workers then he flanks with a separate control group. really?
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