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Lol you knew ret and idra were gonna be over criticle but damn lol. although true that killer didnt play to well...
Yes! I love them haha. After Killer lost the drone and ovie in G1 (around 3:00), ret: So if this were you, you would've already gg'd? IdrA: No, I would've just left. I wouldn't have gg'd.
Idra made me laugh when he said that lol
Idra and Ret both in leagues of their own as pro sc2 gamers. Always great to gain insight into these games from the minds of the greats.
I would like to point out that both Idra and Ret through the games thought that the game would end from a number of perceived factors however in fact did not.
I believe that this is partially due to that they only perceive it how they specifically would deal with the event if they were either player in regards statistical probability alone.
In regards to Idra who is infamous for ending the game prematurely I think his casting of these games would be good for him to reflect upon how his mindset plays, in regards to figuring out the probability, upon his gaming when he is perceiving he is losing or winning.
Not to say that either Ret or Idra is not experienced at figuring out if a game is going to end either way from perceived statistical probability alone but as in reference to these games at least one must include the chaotic factor of the human mind behind the decision making, clicking and key strokes.
#4 plz dial back the academic venacular lol
good point though about how they preceive the gameplay and see it ending
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