But as a zerg painful, this is so painful. I've pulled a Targa so many times--running into the terran base with what I think is an unstoppable force, only to have 2 tanks destroy indefinitely many banelings...
Comment # 3 by smilie
crappy quality! hardly can watch it.
and the all in one videos suck too. its pretty lame when you know who wins the series after game 1
Comment # 4 by nasty_nate
I second the dislike of all-in-1's. Usually I've forgotten what happened by the time the video is out. I like to be surprised.
Comment # 5 by Yabbadabbadoo
It's funny to look down to Nestea v. FnaticRain after Game 2 here and breathe a sigh of relief... Thank God they patched that out! Zerg's so OP
Comment # 6 by LordChambers
These interviews are always painful to watch. Maybe Starcraft events should just do them off-camera for a couple years until nerds get some savvy. Oh well.
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cant wait for taeja vs for gg
Taeja = very good.
But as a zerg painful, this is so painful. I've pulled a Targa so many times--running into the terran base with what I think is an unstoppable force, only to have 2 tanks destroy indefinitely many banelings...
crappy quality! hardly can watch it.
and the all in one videos suck too. its pretty lame when you know who wins the series after game 1
I second the dislike of all-in-1's. Usually I've forgotten what happened by the time the video is out. I like to be surprised.
It's funny to look down to Nestea v. FnaticRain after Game 2 here and breathe a sigh of relief... Thank God they patched that out! Zerg's so OP
These interviews are always painful to watch. Maybe Starcraft events should just do them off-camera for a couple years until nerds get some savvy. Oh well.
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