Added on Thu Feb 09, 2023

[PvZ] Nightmare vs Cham (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2023 IEM Katowice
-Round of 36
/ cast by:Catz & Lambo

[TvZ] Cure vs Armani (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2023 IEM Katowice
-Round of 36
/ cast by:Catz & Lambo

[PvP] Classic vs Nightmare (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2023 IEM Katowice
-Round of 36
/ cast by:Catz & Lambo

[TvT] Coffee vs Ryung (BO3 in 1 Video)
-2023 IEM Katowice
-Round of 36
/ cast by:Catz & Lambo