Don't think I've ever seen a terran get so consistently mauled by storms :)
Comment # 2 by Salai
morrow started first 3 games like a retard, he is soooo much better then that. And idd, he was on every storm on other locations with his mouse. Like spaming new marines and stuff every single storm. Was strange to see...but then again, when Im tired I do these things over and over also...must have been that. Morrow is MUCH better then babyknight normally
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Don't think I've ever seen a terran get so consistently mauled by storms :)
morrow started first 3 games like a retard, he is soooo much better then that. And idd, he was on every storm on other locations with his mouse. Like spaming new marines and stuff every single storm. Was strange to see...but then again, when Im tired I do these things over and over also...must have been that. Morrow is MUCH better then babyknight normally
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