ultralisks are terrible units and if they remain in the game for LotV I will be very surprised. The concept is there, but after 3 years Blizzard, its time to realize theres nothing you can implement that will ever make them cost efficient
Comment # 2 by DoubleKK
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Ultralisks can be cost efficient with the right composition. Transfusing queens can keep them alive longer, or Infestors can fungal growth to keep marines clumped up. I feel like Sen kept running his units down the ramp hoping for a good engagement, but because of the long-lasting widow mines, Taeja ended up being cost-efficient. How else would Sen use up his huge bank? Also, what will the end-game ground unit be for Zerg if they get rid of Ultralisks? The unit embodies the attack style of Zerg that it doesn't make sense to remove it.
Comment # 3 by FLiP
#1 comment = retard bronze logic
Comment # 4 by porker
Those were some crazy games.
Also, good call FLiP
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ultralisks are terrible units and if they remain in the game for LotV I will be very surprised. The concept is there, but after 3 years Blizzard, its time to realize theres nothing you can implement that will ever make them cost efficient
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Ultralisks can be cost efficient with the right composition. Transfusing queens can keep them alive longer, or Infestors can fungal growth to keep marines clumped up. I feel like Sen kept running his units down the ramp hoping for a good engagement, but because of the long-lasting widow mines, Taeja ended up being cost-efficient. How else would Sen use up his huge bank? Also, what will the end-game ground unit be for Zerg if they get rid of Ultralisks? The unit embodies the attack style of Zerg that it doesn't make sense to remove it.
#1 comment = retard bronze logic
Those were some crazy games.
Also, good call FLiP
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