Really disappointing to see Violet lose game 2. He had it won but didn't want to base trade. If he had just gone into Trap's natural and main he could have killed all the production. Both players would have just been left with their standing armies, and Violet's was better. Instead, he let Trap pull his army back while doing damage, and which gave Trap the time he needed for his superior economy to kick in.
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This is only one match!
Oh right, I see the games above the player now :>
Really disappointing to see Violet lose game 2. He had it won but didn't want to base trade. If he had just gone into Trap's natural and main he could have killed all the production. Both players would have just been left with their standing armies, and Violet's was better. Instead, he let Trap pull his army back while doing damage, and which gave Trap the time he needed for his superior economy to kick in.
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