Game 1 commentary starts at 6h 01m 10s
Game 1 proper starts at 6h 22m 20s
Comment # 2 by Stabby
Rotterdam: "That's why he has more capazility!"
Comment # 3 by Stabby
holy game 4, balls of steel..
Comment # 4 by BonsaiTree
Oh man, the curse of Hero lives on! The in-base double proxy gate always seems to take a game off him, and always on the biggest of stages. It was painful to watch SoS do it to him (twice), and it was no less painful to watch it go down this time.
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Game 1 commentary starts at 6h 01m 10s
Game 1 proper starts at 6h 22m 20s
Rotterdam: "That's why he has more capazility!"
holy game 4, balls of steel..
Oh man, the curse of Hero lives on! The in-base double proxy gate always seems to take a game off him, and always on the biggest of stages. It was painful to watch SoS do it to him (twice), and it was no less painful to watch it go down this time.
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