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Online: ESL_TV, mcanning
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV, mcanning
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
trashtalk with soggy, for good he plays better than he talks.
you sound like a complete idiot doing this, and quite honestly you're not good enough to talk and commentate at the same time.
also, you abused the whole 'mike is drunk' joke, if that's what you want to call it, a little too much.
stop sounding like a retard then post stuff on here again.
Suggy man, you've got skill, but there are some problems. You aren't funny at all and you're very redundant. You need to look at the camera during money shots [the camera to your right] so you don't seem like some kid whose parents raped him when he was young. I like watching a hi-level toss self-cast, just some advice.
Make eye contact when you talk to people. Give firm handshakes. Be a confident individual.
Better yet, stop showing yourself. Show the game and talk about the game. If some personality seeps out in there then good, but don't make yourself the focus of your casts because frankly you're not remotely witty or interesting enough.
You're a high rated starcraft player. Use that and talk about what you know without trying so hard to sound badass.
I appreciate the feedback.
I didn't choose which games to throw up here and this is not one I would like to showcase.
This was I think the first or second game I have done so I wasn't that great at playing and commentating at the same time.
To be honest, I was just drunk playing and decided to film it and through it on youtube, minimal thought was put into this early stage of my videos.
I have actually changes alot of what I do and how I run my games now since recieving this feedback already a couple months ago.
I advise you check out my more recent videos.
Indeed :) Love this, noticed it a few days ago and messed up my homework deadlines lol, your videos are almoast harmful to my social life xD Love seeing a regular stream of videos :) keep up the good work
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