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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
TLO is a master! awesome!
TLO following Day9's Funday Monday advice:
"What do you do next?"
"Oh then you lose your whole fucking base"
"And after that?"
"Then you win!"
If you watched this game, watch it again and just look at the production queue. Notice how fast TLO gets +2 armor vs someone going mass marine. Hydra/ling with armor ups does amazingly well against marine/medivac.
Also notice how quickly he adapts when it looks like he's going to lose his base. Immediately starting a lair at a safe expansion and dropping lots of tech buildings.
It's little things like this that make TLO amazing.
Nah, zerg let the terran get into the game.. he should have dropped clockwise on all the expansions instead of crossing the map with the medivacs.. he lost like 10 of them filled up with marines w/o killing a single drone or expansion
The terran was just terrible, no upgrades, no expansions and he still manages to do something agianst TLO who is just an amazing player that spread creep across the map and expanded practically every base. The turning point was definetly losing all those medivacs and the infestors proceded to rape his whole marine ball.
if i hear just one caster telling me again, that you cant spawn close positions on shakuras, i'll kill him... its just public knowlege...
they say you can't spawn both left or both right. is this true?
Nice game :D
Banelings ?
Poor game by TLO.
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