They called him Brendan first, then they switched to Valdez.
Comment # 4 by xsimonsaysx
Thats Brendan. Also Tasteless just said roach rav infestor is tough to micro.... its 2 abilities one after the other in the same spot, if you hit the fungal the bile is ez pz. I just started playing and can micro that with 70 apm wtf...
Comment # 5 by Yani
but Dark is the only one who does it crazy effectively.
Comment # 6 by mrhillshift
@xsimonsaysx - it's hard if your opponent has good micro, which they prob. didn't...And if it's so god damn easy why aren't you a KR GM right now with your 70 APM?
Comment # 7 by mrhillshift
Gumiho needs to GG out like a man instead of that bullshit question mark shit...and he looks like a fucktard every time the camera moves to him.
Comment # 8 by anubis
lol @mrhillshift
Comment # 9 by Selevk7
@mrhillshift gumiho GG's in korean layot. it looks like "ww". But streaming PC doesn't support Kr language and letters, so it shows "??" instead of "[Kr GG]". Did you think veteran like Gumiho wouldn't gg? Please don't say bad words about progamers if you don't know (ALSO if he would put "??" or something other than "gg/ggwp/gggz" Kespa would give him penalty).
Comment # 10 by jwark
yeah the ?? happens a lot it's because of their keyboard. If anyone looks like a fucktard it's for speaking without knowing what you are talking about.
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So is it Brendan or Valdez?
They called him Brendan first, then they switched to Valdez.
Thats Brendan. Also Tasteless just said roach rav infestor is tough to micro.... its 2 abilities one after the other in the same spot, if you hit the fungal the bile is ez pz. I just started playing and can micro that with 70 apm wtf...
but Dark is the only one who does it crazy effectively.
@xsimonsaysx - it's hard if your opponent has good micro, which they prob. didn't...And if it's so god damn easy why aren't you a KR GM right now with your 70 APM?
Gumiho needs to GG out like a man instead of that bullshit question mark shit...and he looks like a fucktard every time the camera moves to him.
lol @mrhillshift
@mrhillshift gumiho GG's in korean layot. it looks like "ww". But streaming PC doesn't support Kr language and letters, so it shows "??" instead of "[Kr GG]". Did you think veteran like Gumiho wouldn't gg? Please don't say bad words about progamers if you don't know (ALSO if he would put "??" or something other than "gg/ggwp/gggz" Kespa would give him penalty).
yeah the ?? happens a lot it's because of their keyboard. If anyone looks like a fucktard it's for speaking without knowing what you are talking about.
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