that game 1 casting shows just how bad tasteless is at sc2. wolf and artosis the new casting archon plz
Comment # 2 by ZeusBruce
Comment # 3 by mib666007
Good lord tasteless is so burned out. And he's casting ProLeague now too... and I believe another too... Need something more rejuvenating and mix things up.
Comment # 4 by wolf
Oh God... that disruptor shot at 57:58 XD
Comment # 5 by Syd
For a moment I though that distributor shot might cost him the game.
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that game 1 casting shows just how bad tasteless is at sc2. wolf and artosis the new casting archon plz
Good lord tasteless is so burned out. And he's casting ProLeague now too... and I believe another too... Need something more rejuvenating and mix things up.
Oh God... that disruptor shot at 57:58 XD
For a moment I though that distributor shot might cost him the game.
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