This series Byun really made a name for himself. His micro and game sense is otherworldly this GSL season. Byun doesnt even need engineering bays cause his units are already upgraded when he controls them lol. THAT REAPER CONTROL OMG!
Comment # 2 by antigravitytapes
Comment # 3 by bournekillah
Wow really amazing by both players. Even on New Gettysburg where I see Terrans mostly just get reamed out into the dirt, Dark really did do well to shut down everything until his Zerg Hives timer went off and he a moved ftw.
Comment # 4 by tommunation
wow, a clash of the titans!
Comment # 5 by mOjoPrestige
Amazing series. I get nerd chills whenever I see a Tastosis vod after months of - Possible SPOILER:
Really makes us question how much weight we put on sc2 as a macro game. Its been out for so long that every player at this level has perfect macro. We are clearly seeing the value of immaculate micro determine who is literally the best in the world.
Comment # 6 by meteorhammer
Such good games and great casting. So much fun to watch.
Comment # 7 by ChiefBallz
Byun, Byun, Byun.... what a spectacle to watch this man control his army with such speed and precision. He's a terrifying offensive player, never letting down the pressure even when he has a smaller army. His level is several degrees above his peers. What a joy to watch him win, and the fact that he's so humble and respectful of his opponents makes it so much more rewarding to see him win.
Comment # 8 by pannekake2k
What a sick matchup. Byun's micro level is over 9000!
Comment # 9 by ZeusBruce
Comment # 10 by HEJZAN
Really nice game!
Comment # 11 by bournekillah
Beautiful series. Reapers on certain maps, with Byun's control seem kinda unfair... Same token, late game, Zerg becomes an unstoppable powerhouse of a move potential.
Can't believe anyone in the world can micro like that. How did he come off a 2 year lay off to be that fucking good?
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This series Byun really made a name for himself. His micro and game sense is otherworldly this GSL season. Byun doesnt even need engineering bays cause his units are already upgraded when he controls them lol. THAT REAPER CONTROL OMG!
Wow really amazing by both players. Even on New Gettysburg where I see Terrans mostly just get reamed out into the dirt, Dark really did do well to shut down everything until his Zerg Hives timer went off and he a moved ftw.
wow, a clash of the titans!
Amazing series. I get nerd chills whenever I see a Tastosis vod after months of - Possible SPOILER:
Really makes us question how much weight we put on sc2 as a macro game. Its been out for so long that every player at this level has perfect macro. We are clearly seeing the value of immaculate micro determine who is literally the best in the world.
Such good games and great casting. So much fun to watch.
Byun, Byun, Byun.... what a spectacle to watch this man control his army with such speed and precision. He's a terrifying offensive player, never letting down the pressure even when he has a smaller army. His level is several degrees above his peers. What a joy to watch him win, and the fact that he's so humble and respectful of his opponents makes it so much more rewarding to see him win.
What a sick matchup. Byun's micro level is over 9000!
Really nice game!
Beautiful series. Reapers on certain maps, with Byun's control seem kinda unfair... Same token, late game, Zerg becomes an unstoppable powerhouse of a move potential.
Can't believe anyone in the world can micro like that. How did he come off a 2 year lay off to be that fucking good?
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