just a meta thought, against adept phoenix, should terrans start building 1 or 2 thors to have unliftable anti air splash damage? kinda like how in hots they were built to deal with large amount of mutalisks.
Comment # 2 by Prophecy3
I've thought the same thing actually, but i think the problem is that when the adept ball hits it would just focus down the thor first and that's 6supply and 200 gas poofed away for nothing.
My thought has been why are ghosts and bunkers not more common? adept/pho are garbage vs both of those things. 1 bunker in both mineral lines for permanent adept defense. EMP destroys half of adept health and makes the phoneix paperweights. I really can't understand why an academy and 2 ghosts isn't common vs ad/ph.. if they're in danger you throw them into the bunker and they're invincible and have 1 range while dealing 20dmg a shot to either units. I'm certain eventually one of the 4 horseman will figure this out and ad/ph will be relegated back to a standard build instead of the go-to pvt. Oh, and it makes oracles useless too.
Comment # 3 by bournekillah
Phoenix adept is broken as shit. Not in the low masters level (mine) because it's a really high skill cap, but at the pro level terran can lose 11 miners in a heartbeat.
Comment # 4 by bournekillah
Ghosts are what TY does. Byun likes more timing pushes with excellent macro.
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just a meta thought, against adept phoenix, should terrans start building 1 or 2 thors to have unliftable anti air splash damage? kinda like how in hots they were built to deal with large amount of mutalisks.
I've thought the same thing actually, but i think the problem is that when the adept ball hits it would just focus down the thor first and that's 6supply and 200 gas poofed away for nothing.
My thought has been why are ghosts and bunkers not more common? adept/pho are garbage vs both of those things. 1 bunker in both mineral lines for permanent adept defense. EMP destroys half of adept health and makes the phoneix paperweights. I really can't understand why an academy and 2 ghosts isn't common vs ad/ph.. if they're in danger you throw them into the bunker and they're invincible and have 1 range while dealing 20dmg a shot to either units. I'm certain eventually one of the 4 horseman will figure this out and ad/ph will be relegated back to a standard build instead of the go-to pvt. Oh, and it makes oracles useless too.
Phoenix adept is broken as shit. Not in the low masters level (mine) because it's a really high skill cap, but at the pro level terran can lose 11 miners in a heartbeat.
Ghosts are what TY does. Byun likes more timing pushes with excellent macro.
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