rapid contradicts himself saying while bunny was fucking around w his ravens, soo has been "preparing for war". and then soo tries to defend the push and fails and rapid is like, "soo was pretty optimistic there to think he could defend that.."
Comment # 2 by thekonny
rapid killing e sports singlehandedly
Comment # 3 by jammasterlee
@rapid if you're listening, look man, you have some funny jokes (about 1 out of 35) but you should really focus on the game instead of "trying" to be funny. just let the jokes come but don't force them out.
i do think you could be good at this. but it's almost like you get insecure if you're not being funny. insecurity and trying *kills* humor.
Comment # 4 by combatjack
Spoiler: Bummer with game 3, I feel like Soo gave up too early. He's come back from being farther behind than that and came out with the win in the past.
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rapid contradicts himself saying while bunny was fucking around w his ravens, soo has been "preparing for war". and then soo tries to defend the push and fails and rapid is like, "soo was pretty optimistic there to think he could defend that.."
rapid killing e sports singlehandedly
@rapid if you're listening, look man, you have some funny jokes (about 1 out of 35) but you should really focus on the game instead of "trying" to be funny. just let the jokes come but don't force them out.
i do think you could be good at this. but it's almost like you get insecure if you're not being funny. insecurity and trying *kills* humor.
Spoiler: Bummer with game 3, I feel like Soo gave up too early. He's come back from being farther behind than that and came out with the win in the past.
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