Fair enough, lets make kiting an impossibility, remove chitinous plating and reduce baneling damage AND splash radius by half.
I think Terrans would be really happy not having to spend so much APM. Much more in line with toss deathballs then.
Sounds ridiculous? Maybe kiting isn't so unfair after all.
Comment # 3 by Prophecy3
^lol. Pwnt.
Comment # 4 by bournekillah
Dude inno just made solar look like complete trash. He fucking held position on like 30 banes underneath liberators for no apparent reason... then somehow just walked his big stupid ultras in and cleaned out innovations army like a blind monkey with Down's syndrome. Anyone trying to argue that the level of skill required to play Zerg is anywhere near the level of a Terran at this point is just being delusional.
Comment # 5 by OneGoodCop
RAPiD!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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That kiting style just isnt fair!!!
Fair enough, lets make kiting an impossibility, remove chitinous plating and reduce baneling damage AND splash radius by half.
I think Terrans would be really happy not having to spend so much APM. Much more in line with toss deathballs then.
Sounds ridiculous? Maybe kiting isn't so unfair after all.
^lol. Pwnt.
Dude inno just made solar look like complete trash. He fucking held position on like 30 banes underneath liberators for no apparent reason... then somehow just walked his big stupid ultras in and cleaned out innovations army like a blind monkey with Down's syndrome. Anyone trying to argue that the level of skill required to play Zerg is anywhere near the level of a Terran at this point is just being delusional.
RAPiD!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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