This was a stupid game. TT1 did a half-baked version of the Kiwikaki recall blink stalker strategy which did no discernible damage to MasterAsia. The mothership then set TT1 back a great deal allowing Asia to drone unabated until he gets the infamous 300 supply army of roach/hydra.
Oh and TT1's vortex prevented him from defending his own expansion at the end.
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This was a stupid game. TT1 did a half-baked version of the Kiwikaki recall blink stalker strategy which did no discernible damage to MasterAsia. The mothership then set TT1 back a great deal allowing Asia to drone unabated until he gets the infamous 300 supply army of roach/hydra.
Oh and TT1's vortex prevented him from defending his own expansion at the end.
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