wow...protoss using the vortex to take out the late game zerg forces...what a surprise.
Comment # 2 by Xoraisse
ZvP is getting to be really really boring matchup. And an imba one.
Comment # 3 by Geschirr
i had some guy in 4vs4 mindcontrolling a mothership which was very nice, because protoss isnt always equipped to fight a stealth zerg-army. also the defiler(?) is cloaked... kind of the only real useful application of mind-control (should for balancing reasons be useable while burrowed, i guess)
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wow...protoss using the vortex to take out the late game zerg forces...what a surprise.
ZvP is getting to be really really boring matchup. And an imba one.
i had some guy in 4vs4 mindcontrolling a mothership which was very nice, because protoss isnt always equipped to fight a stealth zerg-army. also the defiler(?) is cloaked... kind of the only real useful application of mind-control (should for balancing reasons be useable while burrowed, i guess)
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