How are Trap's units in full military parade formation at 1:02:48? There must be some mechanic I'm unaware of that makes a unit formation automatically. Anyone know how this works?
Comment # 2 by Frish
That was pretty cool, but I'm inclined to think it's just how the pathing resolved in that situation. If you look closely you can see that they are not perfectly aligned.
Maybe Trap just has the micro to arrange his units like that in a grand finals :D
Comment # 3 by SedulousTurtle
Thanks Frish! Yeah you're probably right on that.
Comment # 4 by dreiss
I think they were attacking a flat wall of destructible rocks.
Comment # 5 by SedulousTurtle
Thanks dreiss, I think you solved it.
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How are Trap's units in full military parade formation at 1:02:48? There must be some mechanic I'm unaware of that makes a unit formation automatically. Anyone know how this works?
That was pretty cool, but I'm inclined to think it's just how the pathing resolved in that situation. If you look closely you can see that they are not perfectly aligned.
Maybe Trap just has the micro to arrange his units like that in a grand finals :D
Thanks Frish! Yeah you're probably right on that.
I think they were attacking a flat wall of destructible rocks.
Thanks dreiss, I think you solved it.
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