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Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Oo What a crazy crazy game.
Ridiculous how Zergs only anti-air gets raped like that.
Also, NO 200/200 army should be invinsible.
lovely air game "white ra is a such a boss!"(HD)
wicked game :D
@remf 0 hydras were produced
Definately imbalance. Zergs are so akward. Even lost a battle when mindcontrolled mothership twice.
Lurkers and scourges there are they?
Game was really interesting to watch since you don't see carriers or motherships ever in game.
On the other hand, HD was annoying as hell to listen to. Cast the game without feigning excitement. If it's exciting, I'll be entertained, don't need you cracking your voice to convince me it's cool.
Can someone tell me where I can find the replay for this video?,i've searched for it everywhere I can think off. Thanks.
Don't understand how anyone can talk about balanced based on this game. Whitera already won the game after the initial harass and then he was just loling with the pretty much useless Carriers.
Great game, no reason not to go Toss air Vs Zerg cause they got nothing.
whitera's bi-winning
as zerg you can be 200/200, bring your all your static defense, fungal growth him, mind control 2 time his mother ship, get mass corrupteurs, use corruption ability, bring mass queen, use transfusion healing and loose!! loose again, loose again and again!!! why? because it s IMBA!!!
kidding? mutas were a good choice. mobility > protoss air. Sick game!
this is such an atypical game and not in the slightest suitable to base thoughts about imbalance on. people who think they can infere imbalance from this game are... well... kind of stupid to be honest
epic game and epic commentary ^^
mobility > protoss air
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