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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
One of the best series I've ever watched. Really good games.
I didnt expect destiny to win against bomber!
Damn right Destiny! GG's!
that series was unreal thanks Day 9 for your excellent casting during an epic series!
Whoa! GGS
Absolutely EPIC! great games, great cast.
At last a very good cast By day9.
GG Destiny.
Game 1 was one of the longest games I've seen it was also one of the most intense / entertaining games I've ever seen.
Weak play by bomber overall, way too defensive and didnt know how to play against that mass infestor + zergling composition, gave zerg too much space to do his thing
destiny - Respect !!!!!!
Fungal is a bit too strong at the moment. It does as much damage as storm but has twice the area and also permanently stuns the units. While being on the extremely mobile infestor.
Marvellous games!!! Great cast!
I enjoyed Day 9 one-man casting here a lot more than his over-caffeinated yelling when he's part of a two-man team.
those were awesome
pretty cool to see spanishiwa ice fisher early game set up used by a far more experienced player, destiny, and then going infestor-insanity/ling for mid and late. wow!
Amazing games. Can anyone tell me why he did 11-pool every game?
cackboy... cause he felt like it...
SUPERB! Good games and great cast! 1st game is going into the books.
@crackerboy "...The early pool is for an early queen to get injections going quicker, it's also safer against early aggression...." -FlaminGinjaNinja
#13: Don't worry its the caffeine
Great series!
Destiny's build is phenomenally weak, it simultaneously delays his economy, tech, and army growth. He won game 1 because Bomber turtled when he should have at least pressured, and then game 3 attacking before combat shields and spreading his marines against the banelings or infestors he figured Destiny might have. Destiny is not a tournament-capable Zerg, but Bomber is capable of losing to off-the-wall play
Comment 22 is super jealous. That build was revolutionary, and it was extremely successful against one of the top Terrans in the world.
I think this is solid proof that Destiny IS a tournament-capable Zerg, and he is so due to his off-the-wall play.
Since when did mass infestor become creative???
"Revolutionary" except for that time CatZ used it in the NASL against EGMachine and got destroyed
Awesome series!!! WP Destiny. Great casting, Day[9]!
Great cast, great games, great strategy by Destiny. Infestors ftw! That teaches stupid T to overmake rines and tanks hahah!
@Yabbadabbadoo- So if I understand you correctly, you're saying that Bomber is the superior player, but he lost because he didn't play as a superior player should play? Hmmm. Quit being so whiny and just admit that these were good games by both players. (Also, great casting.)
Excellent series, would have liked to see more dropping from Destiny but still amazing gameplay. He is like IdrA with his skill level to play against Bomber, but he is unlike IdrA b.c he wins
jimmyboy2011 comments on every cast almost :O
Destiny is one of my two favorite Zerg players, the other being Spanishwa. This series was awesome. UP Vote!
The sandwich zerglings in game 3 was really really nicely executed. Hope we can see destiny set some variety in his future games. Great player.
Starcraft was weird in those days. 100-supply swings that don't result in a game loss, the total absence of Mutalisks against a tank-ghost composition, nukes being thrown to deny mining time from a couple of drones... and to the commentators, it was all evidence of exquisite skill. Is this what chess was like in the 18th century? Football in the 19th?
how does this end up on the "top casts in last 24 hours" - 2011 was 5 years ago according to me :o
mutter mutter mutter - click's play :P
The charts are generated by when the series are rated, not by when the VODs are posted on SC2Casts :)
I hope it makes sense.
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