The game knowledge of these casters is actually quite terrible :(
Comment # 2 by TheWhiskey
Agreed. And they should pay way more attention to the minimap. They missed the only important Zergling run-by, by July in game 1. Please just watch the minimap. It's so much more rewarding to keep track of the game, rather than talking about random stuff - and yes, it was random stuff compared to the run-by.
Comment # 3 by Yabbadabbadoo
I'm actually baffled by Game 2... Cella and July are even on drones, Cella makes pure roach and July gets an infestation pit with the energy upgrade, they have even upgrades, Cella walks up the ramp with like 10 fewer roaches? How is that possible? Something was a little off here, and it might have been Cella's economic management, because the difference wasn't that July was spamming "d" on his larvae faster
Comment # 4 by Loaded
I think HD is more clueless than cats.. i feel like cats has some good knowledge. HD however hasnt changed his casts since the beta. Ok ty for explaining the overlord posissioning... duh its z-z, lords are spread out.
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The game knowledge of these casters is actually quite terrible :(
Agreed. And they should pay way more attention to the minimap. They missed the only important Zergling run-by, by July in game 1. Please just watch the minimap. It's so much more rewarding to keep track of the game, rather than talking about random stuff - and yes, it was random stuff compared to the run-by.
I'm actually baffled by Game 2... Cella and July are even on drones, Cella makes pure roach and July gets an infestation pit with the energy upgrade, they have even upgrades, Cella walks up the ramp with like 10 fewer roaches? How is that possible? Something was a little off here, and it might have been Cella's economic management, because the difference wasn't that July was spamming "d" on his larvae faster
I think HD is more clueless than cats.. i feel like cats has some good knowledge. HD however hasnt changed his casts since the beta. Ok ty for explaining the overlord posissioning... duh its z-z, lords are spread out.
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