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Oh, gee, I wonder why -this- was cast.
I imagine it's a truly sensational game between two equally matched oppo... Oh, wait, no. It's a game between IdrA and somebody I've never heard of on a shitty map that has no place in competitive play, which means IdrA threw the game away and then raged out and that's the only reason it was cast.
Whatever you need to do to get yourself views I guess.
i enjoyed it alot and i guess thats the point
@ walklightwhat
I don't understand. I enjoyed the game and the caster is getting views, its win win. What's wrong with that? Oh, wait, I know, you're a whiner.
Nah, this has got a lot more to do with the fact that vids of IdrA rqing garners a lot more views even though the game isn't all too great.
Duplicate game,
EPParamedico is GosuGamers Oasis, one of the many strong "unknown" Korean Terrans.
Walklightwhat does have a point. Whenever you see a single ladder game with Idra vs its always him losing and then raging bm.
After all noone wants to see Idra actually beating said . Thats boring, right?
Haha 8 marines and two medivacs just run around the map killing the entire zerg army. i don't think terran was even mining.
Idra has to learn more than ONE bloody strategy. I play StarCraft II less than once a month, but even I know that mutas and lings don't do JACK SCHITT against marines with full upgrades. Not mention medivac and siege tank back-up. Use roaches, use infestors, use baneling land-mines, use brood lords, use something else than muta-ling. Can tunnel-vision be any more explicit than this? Idra gets NO armour on ground or air units, builds the same units for more than 20 minutes at an end, then starts cursing that the marines do too much damage. It's like he never played against marines before and just now learns about this AWESOME new tactic of marines trampling down muta-ling.
#8: Yes, the man that beat Bomber really needs your help when it comes to playing ZvT. In all honesty, I haven't seen him try on XnC in a long time, because it just seems utterly pointless in the long run. Watch any recent pro-level ZvT's on this map and you'll see a certain pattern.
Thank you for the updated info, Ipp!
@9 So how did XnC keep him from making like 5 infestors and shutting down those marines? His arrogance gets the better of him, simple as that.
(Did he really command the guy to get out of the game? That is so sad. And I thought his condition had improved lately.)
hahahaha pwnedddddddddddddd oasis is one of lastshadows best friend in korea as i remember
"So sorry" I can't tell if this is the Korean equivalent of sarcasm. Anyways GG.
mid game composition with minimal upgrades at 30 minute mark, classic Idra.
#10: I heard that the ladder is srs bsns. As long as he can stay in important games that could affect something else than people crying about him on the interwebs, which he obviously can now he's fine.
well i myself dont really even usually watch idra games due to they are so predictable, and this follows the same pattern idra always played like, first lings, than pwn with muta ling mid game. if it doesnt work... why try something new.... ohhh guess what... 2500 gas into mutas.... your tech and upgrades will fall behind...
#9: should Blizzard remove mutalisks from the game, Idra would be unemployed. Most of Idra's ZvT (those that are being cast, at least) resume to a single turning-point: getting to a third base to support muta-ling; once there is plenty of gas, mutas amass too fast for the terran to keep up in upgrades. When a third base is easy to take and/or defend, mutalisks reach a big number way too early for terrans to cope with. But when a third base is hard to take or hard to defend, mutalisks come out quite slow and the terran can get his marine in numbers and/or upgrades. Being such a great player as he is and all, I'd expect Idra to actually figure it out that when your terran opponent can produce 10+ marines per cycle, mutalisks aren't gonna help.
loving the fact the you gyus are telling idra how he should play the game... ignorent fucks, he would rape you all day only building queens.
+1 walklightwhat
Show us some high quality games of new tactics or skills instead of games that highlight garbage and imbalance bs
If idra played the game as fiercly as he bm'd, he would have won this. BM'ing the opponent and ordering to leave the game is so deserving of an asswooping! Loved to see him lose. And i am a idra fan. He is a great player, but the attitude is so damn sad..
Up there as the worst cast I've heard yet. Missed action, talking to your viewers as if their retarded children, explaining basic info just to fill time... you talk for the sake of talking! I had to turn the sound off it was that tilting. You missed so many key things just to have the cam hover over NOTHING and talk crap! Sorry for the rant but it's getting frustrating seeing so many casters now doing the same shit over and over again.
I'd rather you follow the game panning around etc so we can see whats going on rather than you explain basic sc2 mechanics anyone in Silver and above would know.
And yeah this was a shit game with nothing special.
@21: Thanks for your feedback - always happy to get outside opinions =)
Hero marines: fun,
IdrA rage: fun,
Anharis just talking about the game in ways that don't involve the verbal representation of spreadsheets and accessible to anyone: fun.
Now of course, perhaps only the ultra-gosu should watch sc2 casts.
Ah, I forgot: imba whiners: fun too :D
I enjoyed the cast. Thank you Ahnaris!
It is rather refreshing to hear explanations of strategies and friendly banter, opposed to the boring casts that Artosis and DJ Wheat keep dishing out featuring literal diction of what's shown on the screen.
Thanks for the cast Ahnaris!
I thought your casting was fine, but there were a couple places where I could see action on the minimap but you didn't move the camera over - even when there wasn't anything going on elsewhere. Of course I know that the camera can't be in two places at once =)
I thought the game was ok as well, but there really is something to be said about keeping mid-game compositions into the end-game, and raging that you're losing. You don't have to be a world class SC2 player to see that, so the "Idra is better than you don't criticize" comments fall short. Unupgraded, mid-game comp vs. full upgraded mid-game comp = trouble. I'm a terrible SC2 player, and even I can see that.
EG should drop Idra, why should a sponsor give them money if everyone connects their product with an angry child.
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