Why does Mr Bitter always have to spoil what the players gonna do 3 minutes before it happens...? I don't like that at all. Have to turn off the volume to watch a game.
Comment # 2 by NotInventedHere
fuck. BosoN know why MLG was so good, none of day9's shit
Comment # 3 by Raskal
bad games, bad cast..
why so many thumbs up ?
Comment # 4 by LOLItsRyan
Cause it's White-Ra man! I didn't even realise they were awful games until you mentioned it cause White-Ra is awesome. And so is Day9, and so is Mr Bitter.
Comment # 5 by mrib
games were alright, pretty exciting/interesting play by white-ra but i can't stand mr. bitter's cast for some reason here...sort of ruined some moments but i thought day9 did well.
can't pinpoint what mr. bitter did that ruined it for me...lol
Comment # 6 by sokrateas
Each man may have his opinion, but I found this series to be extremely well commentated. The knowledge these two possess of this game is something to be rivaled.
Comment # 7 by GiR
Love the 5 overseers in game 2! Fun games!
Comment # 8 by Mynd
Games 1 and 2 were a little silly, game 3 was interesting. White-Ra's army control, with the Warp Prism, was very nice. I've never seen Colossus hot pickup like that (even though he lost a few Colossi he shouldn't have).
As for the casting, Mr. Bitters doesn't have so much to say when he's seated next to Day9. Day9 sometimes casts more lively than others, but as far as commentating goes, he is by far the best one around. I haven't heard any good reasons for disliking his casting. Anyone?
Comment # 9 by DirtyKamal
lol i don't like day9 at all
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Why does Mr Bitter always have to spoil what the players gonna do 3 minutes before it happens...? I don't like that at all. Have to turn off the volume to watch a game.
fuck. BosoN know why MLG was so good, none of day9's shit
bad games, bad cast..
why so many thumbs up ?
Cause it's White-Ra man! I didn't even realise they were awful games until you mentioned it cause White-Ra is awesome. And so is Day9, and so is Mr Bitter.
games were alright, pretty exciting/interesting play by white-ra but i can't stand mr. bitter's cast for some reason here...sort of ruined some moments but i thought day9 did well.
can't pinpoint what mr. bitter did that ruined it for me...lol
Each man may have his opinion, but I found this series to be extremely well commentated. The knowledge these two possess of this game is something to be rivaled.
Love the 5 overseers in game 2! Fun games!
Games 1 and 2 were a little silly, game 3 was interesting. White-Ra's army control, with the Warp Prism, was very nice. I've never seen Colossus hot pickup like that (even though he lost a few Colossi he shouldn't have).
As for the casting, Mr. Bitters doesn't have so much to say when he's seated next to Day9. Day9 sometimes casts more lively than others, but as far as commentating goes, he is by far the best one around. I haven't heard any good reasons for disliking his casting. Anyone?
lol i don't like day9 at all
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