Not sure who thought it was a good idea to have Total Biscuit do professional casts... he's GREAT in his own element, but not in the 'big leagues' IMHO.
Comment # 2 by whotookmyusername
Calling a player you're about to cast a douchebag is VERY unprofessional. @ the beginning of game 2
Comment # 3 by madsen
Yeah, wtf was up with d.Apollo and TB being so bm? It may not be the top players of the tournament, but that doesn't warrant this kind of shitty cast. I thought the casters were supposed to make the games more exciting, a task which both d.Apollo and TB failed hard at.
Comment # 4 by TotalBiscuit
Hey guys, guess what, Ciara acted like a ragey douchebag the entire tournament. Your definition of "unprofessional" is irrelevant. Commentators in other sports call out bad behaviour from players all the time, it is entirely normal.
He played liked shit and treated his opponents like shit as well as the casters, so why exactly should we show him any respect? is not the authority on what is an is not acceptable during a cast.
Comment # 5 by andrew_howlett
the audience always has the final say on what is acceptable behaviour in public performance
Comment # 6 by Willzzz
TotalBiscuit is an awesome caster.
Comment # 7 by madsen
TB, you don't hear professional sports casters call players douchebag during a cast. Sure, you can call him out and call his behavior unacceptable, bm or whatever, but there's a huge difference between that and calling him a douchebag, and that difference is --- tadaa! --- professionalism.
Besides, I didn't even touch on your tedious digressions and belittling of the players during the cast (especially in game 3). Again, I know it may not have been the most interesting games to cast, but your job is to engage the viewers, and you did the exact opposite by constantly talking about how mind-numbingly boring the games were.
I usually enjoy your casts btw, but this one actually made me respect you a little less. Maybe you don't care about that --- I certainly don't, casters are a dime a dozen these days --- but, as andrew_howlett (#5) said, it's ultimately your audience who are the authority on what is (un-)acceptable during a cast.
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Not sure who thought it was a good idea to have Total Biscuit do professional casts... he's GREAT in his own element, but not in the 'big leagues' IMHO.
Calling a player you're about to cast a douchebag is VERY unprofessional. @ the beginning of game 2
Yeah, wtf was up with d.Apollo and TB being so bm? It may not be the top players of the tournament, but that doesn't warrant this kind of shitty cast. I thought the casters were supposed to make the games more exciting, a task which both d.Apollo and TB failed hard at.
Hey guys, guess what, Ciara acted like a ragey douchebag the entire tournament. Your definition of "unprofessional" is irrelevant. Commentators in other sports call out bad behaviour from players all the time, it is entirely normal.
He played liked shit and treated his opponents like shit as well as the casters, so why exactly should we show him any respect? is not the authority on what is an is not acceptable during a cast.
the audience always has the final say on what is acceptable behaviour in public performance
TotalBiscuit is an awesome caster.
TB, you don't hear professional sports casters call players douchebag during a cast. Sure, you can call him out and call his behavior unacceptable, bm or whatever, but there's a huge difference between that and calling him a douchebag, and that difference is --- tadaa! --- professionalism.
Besides, I didn't even touch on your tedious digressions and belittling of the players during the cast (especially in game 3). Again, I know it may not have been the most interesting games to cast, but your job is to engage the viewers, and you did the exact opposite by constantly talking about how mind-numbingly boring the games were.
I usually enjoy your casts btw, but this one actually made me respect you a little less. Maybe you don't care about that --- I certainly don't, casters are a dime a dozen these days --- but, as andrew_howlett (#5) said, it's ultimately your audience who are the authority on what is (un-)acceptable during a cast.
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