awesome game, awesome cast.......What's with the crappy video quality tho?
Comment # 2 by Sluffy
uncharacteristic cheese game 3.... big backfire
Comment # 3 by TotalBiscuit
Requesting admins delete this since we uploaded it simply to show Twitch what the problems with their export process are (as you've noticed from my vods in the last week, Twitch is uploading awful quality vods that are really low-res).
We will reupload the higher quality version once Twitch fixes their uploader.
Comment # 4 by Elokane
But I want to see Thorzain now. :(
Comment # 5 by Pumbaa
Yet again, TB with some great casting. Apollo doing decent analysis, but it always feels like he's bored. Freak out man!
Comment # 6 by santah
Replaced with the better version of the VODs :)
Comment # 7 by Madrox
Thorzain with reapers mixed into the bioball game 2 was just... weirdly effective.
Comment # 8 by Monkeyz_
TB, you have officially ruined starcraft for me. the over the top British accent. I live in London and i find your accent an overkill! your cast is ok for low tier starcraft players, because all your doing is commentating. Not informative. Your a gold league starcraft player, please take some free time and rank up to at least diamond. The duo cast you did with TLO revealed how a pro commentator and you compare. Thanks for all the time you put into starcraft but i can't take how a gold league, is casting so bad for pro players in the world.
Rank up to diamond, I'm sure your casting will improve dramatically.
Comment # 9 by chiahal
can't figure out why Thorzain wanted to go for a rush in game 3, he should have confidence in his macro abilities against nightend
Comment # 10 by TotalBiscuit
Monkeyz - eat a sack of dicks please.
Comment # 11 by Monkeyz_
lmao carry on casting you big fat sack of shit. 1v1 on starcraft i will own you. gold league lmfao, my cousin who is 13 is in gold! carry on repeating the same shit you do to all your casts.
no insight to the actual game. wonder why people mute you when they watch your video?
Comment # 12 by A-Man
Game 1 - Part 2 - 4:53
FIVE TOUSAND!!!!!!!!!! I love you, TotalBiscuit
Comment # 13 by qpakao
Well I'm not playing sc2 just watching entertaining games. So when casting is concentrated on fun aspect of a game its beater for me. If you like hardcore game stats wise cast you can watch player that analizes they own games bit by bit what and say they thought at that point what they clicked etc.
If everyone casted the same world would be a sadder place.
Comment # 14 by Jabberwockee
A very good series. Good casting.
Comment # 15 by tommunation
Comment # 16 by chiknadobo
Personally I think it is okay that TotalBiscuit isn't a high level player. Especially since Apollo is dual casting and provides the detailed analysis. TB brings the excitement and Apollo brings the analysis, so we get the best of both worlds.
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awesome game, awesome cast.......What's with the crappy video quality tho?
uncharacteristic cheese game 3.... big backfire
Requesting admins delete this since we uploaded it simply to show Twitch what the problems with their export process are (as you've noticed from my vods in the last week, Twitch is uploading awful quality vods that are really low-res).
We will reupload the higher quality version once Twitch fixes their uploader.
But I want to see Thorzain now. :(
Yet again, TB with some great casting. Apollo doing decent analysis, but it always feels like he's bored. Freak out man!
Replaced with the better version of the VODs :)
Thorzain with reapers mixed into the bioball game 2 was just... weirdly effective.
TB, you have officially ruined starcraft for me. the over the top British accent. I live in London and i find your accent an overkill! your cast is ok for low tier starcraft players, because all your doing is commentating. Not informative. Your a gold league starcraft player, please take some free time and rank up to at least diamond. The duo cast you did with TLO revealed how a pro commentator and you compare. Thanks for all the time you put into starcraft but i can't take how a gold league, is casting so bad for pro players in the world.
Rank up to diamond, I'm sure your casting will improve dramatically.
can't figure out why Thorzain wanted to go for a rush in game 3, he should have confidence in his macro abilities against nightend
Monkeyz - eat a sack of dicks please.
lmao carry on casting you big fat sack of shit. 1v1 on starcraft i will own you. gold league lmfao, my cousin who is 13 is in gold! carry on repeating the same shit you do to all your casts.
no insight to the actual game. wonder why people mute you when they watch your video?
Game 1 - Part 2 - 4:53
FIVE TOUSAND!!!!!!!!!! I love you, TotalBiscuit
Well I'm not playing sc2 just watching entertaining games. So when casting is concentrated on fun aspect of a game its beater for me. If you like hardcore game stats wise cast you can watch player that analizes they own games bit by bit what and say they thought at that point what they clicked etc.
If everyone casted the same world would be a sadder place.
A very good series. Good casting.
Personally I think it is okay that TotalBiscuit isn't a high level player. Especially since Apollo is dual casting and provides the detailed analysis. TB brings the excitement and Apollo brings the analysis, so we get the best of both worlds.
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