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goddamn, i love the games this guy casts, but his voice literally makes me angry as soon as i hear it. i can't stand his accent.
holy.. micro.. !! incredible game! can't stand his accent/lisp? man me too at first, but he is now by *far* my favorite caster. his casts are analytical, focused, relevant, and extremely well informed. (thumbs up, Ipp!)
great game!
ipp rules
been a known caster with his lisp, only make him more awesome :)
nice! great cast again Ipp
Love your game choices, but your excited moments (like a horse-racer commentator in the heat of the line cross) drive me nuts because the moments are usually totally not that important.
#1 used to be the same for me before I understood how much effort it must take to produce these levels of casts while fighting a lisp
now I just enjoy ipps casts!
Didn't I see this before?
Yah it takes a little while to get used to it...but he has improved his speech as well. Now I don't even really hear it.
To anyone who actually has the balls to complain about the lisp...try to cast a game and see how bad you suck.
You without lisp < Ipp 2 months ago
Ipp man!
He's the best!
MLG or something should hire this guy
This game is OLD! seen on sc2casts quite some time ago..
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I feel that my casting has improved greatly since going on a daily schedule and the only reason I did it was because of all your support. It really means a lot.
Anywho, yes it does appear Husky casted this some time ago. But he didn't translate the name so it becomes very hard to find; which is probably how this one snuck through.
Sorry an "old" game got uploaded but I do feel that I added a lot to the cast as Husky and I are completely different casters. If you don't believe me go back and watch Husky's cast on it, he was talking about random unrelated things during the scouting phase while I talked about what it means.
I enjoy Husky very much and without him I probably wouldn't have begun casting. But just because it is the same game doesn't mean it is 100% duplicate as one is entertainment the other is analysis.
Sick game, even if it has been done before.
Wow. Kickass game
IPP is a great caster man. He's totally grown on me
There are some casters with unique voices that make me cringe...I literally cant watch them wrecks the game
Not this kid
Ps. IPP just read ur post. Keep cranking the games out man u sound great
Here's Husky's cast:
Ah, sorry about the duplicate guys ...
Nice game, even though it's old.. really like the way Ipp casts. Also like the enthusiasm!
your better then totallbiscuit, so thank you! keep them games coming!
I just imagine he's doing a Homestar impression.
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