honestly i was surprised at how much total buscuit bitched at the outcome of the third game. great series IMHO. MKP FTW!
Comment # 2 by Alleji
Floating buildings are lame
Comment # 3 by marcamillion
Messed up series. I am a HUGE MKP fan...but honestly, for G3....he didn't need to do that.
He could have graciously handled that scenario and the series would have turned out better....imho.
I feel Total Biscuit's pain on that one.
Comment # 4 by marcamillion
By the way, it's definitely a must see...but the outcome is annoying...to me anyway.
Comment # 5 by substyle
Doesn't annoy me...Boxer lost his OC and failed to get his opponents in the base race. He could have defended it a little bit better. I like MKP's mentality on that. Calling down the mule to repair the vikings was good thinking. Cool game.
Comment # 6 by Puph
I don't know man.. On one hand, being in the position where you can force a draw and actually doing it is the shittiest thing you can ever do to your enemy. On the other hand, he extended a series which can also be considered as a good thing. In my opinion, it is still a weak move. When a series is extended, it should be because of a solid play that won a game and the reward? Another chance. More games for the audience. Although this only occurs in a BO match where you are one under, in this circumstance, he took advantage of a stupid situation to extend the series which otherwise had no business being extended.
Comment # 7 by dc_existential
I was very annoyed by the commentators blatant favoritism and opinion-generated casting. It's one thing to make mention of it, but for TotalBiscuit to flat out say "[MarineKing should have given up and left. Bad game.]" is ludicrous. Especially after TB had taken time lauding Boxer's stick-with-it attitude in previous games, how does TB pull off the 180 into "[players who stick with it are dumb]"?
Personally, I enjoyed the base race. It's another aspect of SC2 to display aspects of control, micro, and decision making. It's like in chess when you get down to a king and 2 pawns vs a king and a knight. I feel that MKP forcing Boxer into a draw in game 3 is just another testament to MKP's gaming prowess.
And, TotalBiscuit, you ended up eating your words about who the better Boxer was. Leave the TotalFanboy rage out of your commentating plx.
Comment # 8 by snork
That was a pretty amazing TvT series.
There was so much bias in the commentary throughout though, and that's really disappointing. Boxer is an amazing player, who I do look forward to seeing, but MKP played that tactically to perfection. Since they are professional players, that was 100% the right play to knock Boxer out.
The better player won.
Comment # 9 by Spectreman
I like TotalBiscuit cast, but in this game he needs shut up about who are right. You play for win, otherwise you not true playing.
And what about the sound of games? Is very lacking when you hear zero sound effects and music.
Comment # 10 by substyle
Yes it sucks for Boxer that it comes down to essentially 1 building that he leaves the tournament for (but that is still kind of a hard thing to say considering he had another chance to win) but it would have been even worse sitting in Puma's position if the guy he was up against to move on gets an opponent that wasn't going to play to win. That would be awful for him if MKP just threw the game because it didn't matter. Forcing another game was the only fair way to decide it.
Comment # 11 by Yabbadabbadoo
Can anyone actually identify what TotalBiscuit said that was in any way biased? Or is there maybe a possibility that he wasn't biased at all, draws are just a part of the game, and there's absolutely nothing controversial about these games? Totally fabricated nerd-drama.
Comment # 12 by Sere
The favoritism was there no doubt, it's apparent to even myself, a huge Boxer fan. The game didn't end in a negative way, I felt; ties are part of the game, been around in high level play since bw days. Was a really excellent series.
Comment # 13 by coldcase
its strat wtf get over it...
Comment # 14 by aster
I thought it was an exciting base race in game 3 but it was so annoying hearing all that bitching from TB. Stalemate is a part of the game just like in chess.
MarineKing emerged from the base race with air superiority and the ability to mine.
Comment # 15 by Madrox
lol Boxer vs FakeBoxer. So funny.
Comment # 16 by King
TotalBiscuit is such a terrible caster.
He fumbles through an hour of completely biased casting in one of the most incredible TvT series I have ever seen. And then, in the end, he just complains about Boxer being kicked out in unfortunate circumstances and calls it a terrible end to the series.
...He ruined one of he best series' I've seen in a while.
And don't whine about MKP forcing the draw, that's what the game was, Boxer could not kill MKP's building and he couldn't make his own. That is a tie, end of story.
I thought he might have been able to find an angle where his viking could hit the cc and be covered from MKP's vikings by his marines...
Comment # 17 by dzatara
loled at game 3.1
Comment # 18 by greenTOWER
Sure there was bias in there. Thats fine. SC2 having draws is fine. But terran being able to force a draw easily is ridiculous and understandably frustrating.
Comment # 19 by Fingo
Very entertaining series. In my opinion it would be unsportsmanlike towards Puma if MKP hadnt forced the draw in game 3. I think Total Biscuit should think of that perspective as well, not just ranting about how he should forfeit.
Comment # 20 by samthing
Casting was so biased that it pretty much ruined the series. If roles were reversed in game 2, casters would've applauded Boxer for forcing the draw.
I doubt there's a pro player out there would've just given the game to Boxer in that situation.
Comment # 21 by Mynd
Casting casting casting... bla bla bla. So TB is a bit of a Boxer Fanboy, so what? Apollo's commentary was amazing as always, and despite reminding me of a 14 y/o, TB was also great (hey, if I didn't remind myself of a 14 y/o once in a while I'd be disappointed!).
The series was great, it was well cast, and taken to some new extremes I really enjoyed watching.
GG everyone :P
Comment # 22 by fatam
Yeah TB's casting there was pretty awful. He's not bad when he covers betas and such, but the endless pro-Boxer diatribe here got old really fast. (especially since MKP is pretty clearly the better player, albeit not by much) He was trying to criticize game 4 as well(the replay of game 3) but I didn't see anything wrong with game 4.
Just because something isn't a big macro game doesn't make it bad. If anything, games like 3 and 4 require a much higher degree of skill than 200 supply vs. 200 supply slugfests. The micro of those games is so incredibly intense (especially when the air/ground dynamic of vikings is involved), moreso than the larger battles where you can't control things as much other than having some splits/stuttersteps/trying to flank.
Fingo a couple comments above me has it right - the people who wanted MKP to just hand Boxer game 3 aren't thinking about Puma and how that would have been completely unfair to him. (not to mention Puma curbstomped Boxer in their head-to-head series). One last note on game 3 - Apollo was completely incorrect when he kept saying Boxer had "double the income!" of MKP. Boxer (2 base) had 35 SCVs to MKP's 33 (1 base). Someone can do the math but I know that's closer to a 20% advantage than a 100% advantage.
Comment # 23 by H1111
Maybe TB had a bad day!
Comment # 24 by Mang
TB wasn't biased at all until the fourth game, where he simply gave his opinion on the series as a whole, and showed his true favoritism. I can understand that some people want completely unbiased casters, but the actual game castING was really quite unbiased, and then TB was simply entitled to his opinion.
I do sort of feel like the series was a little heartbreaking, because I do sort of feel like Boxer's overall play was better, and he had the general advantage in game 3, just no orbital.
Comment # 25 by vegidio
TB was biased this series but he is still a very good caster. I love to watch the games cast by him and Apollo.
Comment # 26 by bigbug
Casters being bias isnt a problem imo. Just makes it more interesting if their invested in the game like that.
Good casting and pretty good games.
Comment # 27 by easily-confused
"Bias bias bias, whine whine whine I have a bias radar".
No, TB's casting wasn't biased in any way shape or form. What he *was* bitching about was having a base-race game end in a draw - which is always frustrating to some degree for anyone watching - and the subsequent elimination of Boxer.
For a Boxer fan that's completely understandable, and even if he himself weren't one it's just always a little saddening when someone (famous and with a bunch of fans) gets kicked out of a tournament in such a way. 'tis all.
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honestly i was surprised at how much total buscuit bitched at the outcome of the third game. great series IMHO. MKP FTW!
Floating buildings are lame
Messed up series. I am a HUGE MKP fan...but honestly, for G3....he didn't need to do that.
He could have graciously handled that scenario and the series would have turned out better....imho.
I feel Total Biscuit's pain on that one.
By the way, it's definitely a must see...but the outcome is annoying...to me anyway.
Doesn't annoy me...Boxer lost his OC and failed to get his opponents in the base race. He could have defended it a little bit better. I like MKP's mentality on that. Calling down the mule to repair the vikings was good thinking. Cool game.
I don't know man.. On one hand, being in the position where you can force a draw and actually doing it is the shittiest thing you can ever do to your enemy. On the other hand, he extended a series which can also be considered as a good thing. In my opinion, it is still a weak move. When a series is extended, it should be because of a solid play that won a game and the reward? Another chance. More games for the audience. Although this only occurs in a BO match where you are one under, in this circumstance, he took advantage of a stupid situation to extend the series which otherwise had no business being extended.
I was very annoyed by the commentators blatant favoritism and opinion-generated casting. It's one thing to make mention of it, but for TotalBiscuit to flat out say "[MarineKing should have given up and left. Bad game.]" is ludicrous. Especially after TB had taken time lauding Boxer's stick-with-it attitude in previous games, how does TB pull off the 180 into "[players who stick with it are dumb]"?
Personally, I enjoyed the base race. It's another aspect of SC2 to display aspects of control, micro, and decision making. It's like in chess when you get down to a king and 2 pawns vs a king and a knight. I feel that MKP forcing Boxer into a draw in game 3 is just another testament to MKP's gaming prowess.
And, TotalBiscuit, you ended up eating your words about who the better Boxer was. Leave the TotalFanboy rage out of your commentating plx.
That was a pretty amazing TvT series.
There was so much bias in the commentary throughout though, and that's really disappointing. Boxer is an amazing player, who I do look forward to seeing, but MKP played that tactically to perfection. Since they are professional players, that was 100% the right play to knock Boxer out.
The better player won.
I like TotalBiscuit cast, but in this game he needs shut up about who are right. You play for win, otherwise you not true playing.
And what about the sound of games? Is very lacking when you hear zero sound effects and music.
Yes it sucks for Boxer that it comes down to essentially 1 building that he leaves the tournament for (but that is still kind of a hard thing to say considering he had another chance to win) but it would have been even worse sitting in Puma's position if the guy he was up against to move on gets an opponent that wasn't going to play to win. That would be awful for him if MKP just threw the game because it didn't matter. Forcing another game was the only fair way to decide it.
Can anyone actually identify what TotalBiscuit said that was in any way biased? Or is there maybe a possibility that he wasn't biased at all, draws are just a part of the game, and there's absolutely nothing controversial about these games? Totally fabricated nerd-drama.
The favoritism was there no doubt, it's apparent to even myself, a huge Boxer fan. The game didn't end in a negative way, I felt; ties are part of the game, been around in high level play since bw days. Was a really excellent series.
its strat wtf get over it...
I thought it was an exciting base race in game 3 but it was so annoying hearing all that bitching from TB. Stalemate is a part of the game just like in chess.
MarineKing emerged from the base race with air superiority and the ability to mine.
lol Boxer vs FakeBoxer. So funny.
TotalBiscuit is such a terrible caster.
He fumbles through an hour of completely biased casting in one of the most incredible TvT series I have ever seen. And then, in the end, he just complains about Boxer being kicked out in unfortunate circumstances and calls it a terrible end to the series.
...He ruined one of he best series' I've seen in a while.
And don't whine about MKP forcing the draw, that's what the game was, Boxer could not kill MKP's building and he couldn't make his own. That is a tie, end of story.
I thought he might have been able to find an angle where his viking could hit the cc and be covered from MKP's vikings by his marines...
loled at game 3.1
Sure there was bias in there. Thats fine. SC2 having draws is fine. But terran being able to force a draw easily is ridiculous and understandably frustrating.
Very entertaining series. In my opinion it would be unsportsmanlike towards Puma if MKP hadnt forced the draw in game 3. I think Total Biscuit should think of that perspective as well, not just ranting about how he should forfeit.
Casting was so biased that it pretty much ruined the series. If roles were reversed in game 2, casters would've applauded Boxer for forcing the draw.
I doubt there's a pro player out there would've just given the game to Boxer in that situation.
Casting casting casting... bla bla bla. So TB is a bit of a Boxer Fanboy, so what? Apollo's commentary was amazing as always, and despite reminding me of a 14 y/o, TB was also great (hey, if I didn't remind myself of a 14 y/o once in a while I'd be disappointed!).
The series was great, it was well cast, and taken to some new extremes I really enjoyed watching.
GG everyone :P
Yeah TB's casting there was pretty awful. He's not bad when he covers betas and such, but the endless pro-Boxer diatribe here got old really fast. (especially since MKP is pretty clearly the better player, albeit not by much) He was trying to criticize game 4 as well(the replay of game 3) but I didn't see anything wrong with game 4.
Just because something isn't a big macro game doesn't make it bad. If anything, games like 3 and 4 require a much higher degree of skill than 200 supply vs. 200 supply slugfests. The micro of those games is so incredibly intense (especially when the air/ground dynamic of vikings is involved), moreso than the larger battles where you can't control things as much other than having some splits/stuttersteps/trying to flank.
Fingo a couple comments above me has it right - the people who wanted MKP to just hand Boxer game 3 aren't thinking about Puma and how that would have been completely unfair to him. (not to mention Puma curbstomped Boxer in their head-to-head series). One last note on game 3 - Apollo was completely incorrect when he kept saying Boxer had "double the income!" of MKP. Boxer (2 base) had 35 SCVs to MKP's 33 (1 base). Someone can do the math but I know that's closer to a 20% advantage than a 100% advantage.
Maybe TB had a bad day!
TB wasn't biased at all until the fourth game, where he simply gave his opinion on the series as a whole, and showed his true favoritism. I can understand that some people want completely unbiased casters, but the actual game castING was really quite unbiased, and then TB was simply entitled to his opinion.
I do sort of feel like the series was a little heartbreaking, because I do sort of feel like Boxer's overall play was better, and he had the general advantage in game 3, just no orbital.
TB was biased this series but he is still a very good caster. I love to watch the games cast by him and Apollo.
Casters being bias isnt a problem imo. Just makes it more interesting if their invested in the game like that.
Good casting and pretty good games.
"Bias bias bias, whine whine whine I have a bias radar".
No, TB's casting wasn't biased in any way shape or form. What he *was* bitching about was having a base-race game end in a draw - which is always frustrating to some degree for anyone watching - and the subsequent elimination of Boxer.
For a Boxer fan that's completely understandable, and even if he himself weren't one it's just always a little saddening when someone (famous and with a bunch of fans) gets kicked out of a tournament in such a way. 'tis all.
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