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Top Rated Series
Stats vs Curious (Best of 3) by: Artosis & tasteless
Reynor vs HerO (BO3 in 1 Video) by: IEM Casters
Maru vs HerO (BO5 in 1 Video) by: ESL Casters
Maru vs Soo (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Tasteless & State
Soo vs Maru (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Tasteless & State
Reynor vs HerO (BO3 in 1 Video) by: IEM Casters
Maru vs HerO (BO5 in 1 Video) by: ESL Casters
Maru vs Soo (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Tasteless & State
Soo vs Maru (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Tasteless & State
Bad luck for Idra, I'm so glad he finally moved away from ling muta.
MMA just outclassed Idra in army control.
#1: Bad luck? I suppose that you're using a pretty broad definition of luck, where it was really only luck that gave him his genetics and experiences, not his own choices, and as such, he just doesn't have the natural skill or experience or temperament to be a true pro-level player.
I'm a free will kind of guy. Idra needs to shape up and stop resting on the laurels of his previous achievements (when the talent pool was small and tactics were unrefined). Otherwise, let's get some more marineking, sheth, stephano, polt, etc (real pros)
For the love of god, why in the world is Khaldor allowed to cast games??
"doing a really, really good job here but losing a ton of zerglings"
"the bunker is the only thing that stands between IdrA and MMA's units"... except for MMA's other bunker and his depot wall.
Medivacs heal units so obscenely fast, that's sssoooo overdue for a nerf
92 thumbs up and 1 down
is this considered a spoiler? :P
Idra actually put up a fight.
I play random (but would pick T were a gun put to my head), and I totally agree. There is nothing I hate more when vT than frickin' medivacs!
to the people who hate medivacs-
They don't need to be nerfed. You hate medivacs. Terrans hate infestors. Yes, zerg has nothing like medivacs, but if you bring a ling-infestor army against bio with medivacs zerg wins easily. Medivacs are there so they can provide support for the immensely fragile bio forces of terran.
funny they buffed medi vaccs in hots
and buffed seige tanks, lmao, i been saying seige tank is junk, it still is after the buff
but then again, they also buff zerg in hots, making zerg once again, very OP
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