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Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, Ryung, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Most Commented Series
Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
this is gonna be epic, can't wait to watch...
game 1 soooo goood omg both players are insane
i like MC a lot, but it's always nice to see a player who indulges in BM lose because of it. do not taunt happy fun zerg.
great games and the better player did eventually win, although stephano is very good. Fightclub FTW.
I really like Fight Club because players don't have the anxiety of tournaments and they play so much better with some creative plays and they don't fear to try out different tactics.
hahahaha totally agree with #3!!!!!!!!!
Have only watched game 1 so far, but the "bm" vortex in game 1 was actually just a defensive vortex of the choke so he could pull his army back in position after killing the top left zerg base. If he didn't put that vortex down then stephano had an easy flank available.
That doa guy is even more terrible than tasteless is... Has no idea of what he is talking about what so ever, and is pretty annoying with all those interruptions while the other casters are talking.
IPL should think twice before ever giving that guy a chance to cast a game again...
LoL at Doa: MC is having a roach problem :D
Well said
@g0ride Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and start casting yourself? Obviously you know better than those who actually make a living doing it.
I wish IPL would get a better caster than this Doa. The game he casted mc vs violet was not good either. I for one cannot cast that's why i want to listen to good casting (andthat's why they are paid todo so). Im sure he is a nice person, I just want a better caster.
If im not a caster I cannot notice who is good and bad at it? Are you kidding me?
I never said casting is easy, so why are you telling me to start casting myself?
Why dont you stop licking some major *ss and start thinking about what Ive said. Annoying interruptions throughout every series, no actual game analysis, little to none beta game knowledge.. and then what do you point out "try casting yourself". Thats some serious arguments there, lol..
I dunno about you guys, but Catspajamas just annoys the shit out of me.
His fake laughs, his constant use of the word "allllriiighhhhtt" and his tumultuous behavior drives me nuts. (e.g game 6 - pulse crystal upgrade for phoenix)
But in the end, even shitty play-by-play announcers who just state the obvious can make a dollar. Hell, look at 'the great' John Madden.
Doa knows more about the game than either of you shit-talkers, I would wager. Maybe he isn't a paragon of great casting every single time, but I have heard him cast a lot and he generally has a pretty good knowledge of the game....IPL-Team League - Eclypsia vs. Acer was on last night and he showed it there....haters gon' hate I suppose...quit being a faggot hater, its bad for your blood pressure.
You guys are so funny. He/she is entitled to their own opinion. The difference is how you say it and how you take the others' opinion. Doa knows a lot lot lot more than I do but I still want a better caster. Much like some basketball coaches are a million times better than me, but youd still want a good coach on your team right? Another example, I cant sing for shit but Id still want to listen to great singers. I am not a good writer but I prefer reading from good writers... Etc etc.... It is precisely that I am not a pro that I want someone great to explain the nuances of the game in an exciting way.
Regardless of what you think of these casters, they are obviously successful and have lots of viewers. As long as they have lots of viewers, they'll continue to cast and continue to get paid for it. As someone has already pointed out, it's like sports commentary. I personally don't like Don Cherry, but he continues to commentate hockey because lots of people like him and watch him. If you don't like a caster, just don't watch their games. If enough people stop watching them, they'll get new casters. Complaining about them is going to get you no where except annoying people because one person's complaints are not representative of what the population thinks because people who want change are more likely to say something than people who want things to stay the same.
TLDR if you want them to change casters just stop watching their games and if enough people do so then they will change.
I watch for the players mostly, no choice but to suffer thru the bad casters. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it is said respectfully. I do not claim to be a representative of the population...i am a rep of myself. Hahah i dont think one person's opinion is a representative of a wholepopulation.
Actually it would probably work best if they had separate thumbs up/down for casters and for the games themselves. That way everyone could still watch the games and it would still be representative of what the population thinks about the casters. Having them lumped into one seems ridiculous because it's certainly possible to like the players and not the casters and vice versa, but you can't really express that with the current system....
@18 In the current system, you can basically censor the casters you don't want to watch by clicking their name in your preferences. I've done that with a couple of them and it's worked for me. If what you're suggesting is that the community gets to vote on what casters get jobs then good lord, you're asking for too much. Maybe it's just me but the last thing I want is for every single game to be cast by Day9 and TotalBiscuit, which is what would happen if the community had any say.
i don't understand the hate for the casters here - i'm new to listening to casts, but they sound pretty good to me. good insight and command of the game, good range of phrases and vocabulary, good ability to adjust the pacing and tenor of their speech with the action of the game.
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