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Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Can't believe how anti-MC Doa is, it's silly/annoying/ridiculous to listen to (along with most of his other commentary).
One of the many examples - "His style isn't that good, it only works for a little while until opponents figure it out" That's why he's won so many tournaments over a long period of time (so you know, people have had tons of time to "figure it out") and is winning all these best of NINES in the fight club - lol.
@fatam Agreed... I had already guessed the outcome of this series after watching MC v Stephano yesterday... dunno why Doa is h8n O.o
i dont hate doa or anything but his casting is some of the worst among the "professional" casting scene..there are alot of casters without bit gigs like IPL and GSL that are much more knowledgeable and better all around
I thought i was the only one who felt that this caster was a little too biased against MC to the point where it is annoying. Just like in the game vs. Stephano. I love Stephano too but the quality of casting is just ridic considering it's IPL, not some dude casting on hisown,
No kidding!
Mc Immortal in da town! Yo! =D =D =D
I hate mc, but i have to agree with #1 #2 #3 and #4 about z caster.
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