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Online: RotterdaM, HeroMarine, BratOK, ESL_TV
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dt's mang
Hell yes, i enjoyed!
Looooool game of the year
Great game whit new upgrade of queen
I felt that worked mostly because of the surprise factor. If the protoss had more experience this would not be so devestating. Voidrays were a bad idea against mass queen.
He made an overlord before the pool ...
#6 yeah he made the overlord first because he had a later timing for the attack in mind imo.
#5 agreed. However, i feel that it would have had some level of success against any player when executed properly.
@#1 -- did you say something to me?
Hilarious game, really good casting too. Would buy again.
I just meant that dark templar would be much better against this than void rays. The zerg player would have to immediately get an evo chamber and then a spore down in the forward position, which would be almost impossible.
#10, the problem with that is that he would have to build both a Twilight Council and a Dark Shrine for DTs and that wouldn't have finished in time. So unless he was already going blindly for DTs anyway it wouldn't work.
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