zerg is so @#$% imba broodlords are so op just a move and win. what a joke.
Comment # 2 by Reality
Nice to see Idra on his game again for this series
Comment # 3 by crabro
@luXon, what are you even talking about?
Broodlords didn't win idra the game, he lost 14 of them to the mothership, the protoss just didn't get up his 4th base so he couldn't replenish his army and Idra had a lot of favorable engagements.
People need to stop calling imba every time someone convincingly wins a game.
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zerg is so @#$% imba broodlords are so op just a move and win. what a joke.
Nice to see Idra on his game again for this series
@luXon, what are you even talking about?
Broodlords didn't win idra the game, he lost 14 of them to the mothership, the protoss just didn't get up his 4th base so he couldn't replenish his army and Idra had a lot of favorable engagements.
People need to stop calling imba every time someone convincingly wins a game.
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