Aaaaaaaarg, I want so badly to not be annoyed by this caster's voice but I'm not fully succeeding :-/ . Real or not, it sorta sounds like a fake accent which is annoying even if it is real. Also, I'm a fan of small rewinds during simultaneous action but it was used so very badly here, not actually rewinding but repeating what we already saw.
Good game though, looked like Terran was completely out of it - very effective tank counter drop.
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Aaaaaaaarg, I want so badly to not be annoyed by this caster's voice but I'm not fully succeeding :-/ . Real or not, it sorta sounds like a fake accent which is annoying even if it is real. Also, I'm a fan of small rewinds during simultaneous action but it was used so very badly here, not actually rewinding but repeating what we already saw.
Good game though, looked like Terran was completely out of it - very effective tank counter drop.
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