i understand that the new units for terran are all mech, BUT MECH GETS WRECKED BY VIPERS. obviously these games must mean nothing. But in a tourney, the MKP style is the only one that will be used, maybe with some battle helions sprinkled in.
Comment # 2 by H1111
Cloud is going to get nerfed. Seriously.
Comment # 3 by jgelling
Battle hellions are ridonkulous and Blizz needs to fire any people they brought over from WoW on balance with those.
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i understand that the new units for terran are all mech, BUT MECH GETS WRECKED BY VIPERS. obviously these games must mean nothing. But in a tourney, the MKP style is the only one that will be used, maybe with some battle helions sprinkled in.
Cloud is going to get nerfed. Seriously.
Battle hellions are ridonkulous and Blizz needs to fire any people they brought over from WoW on balance with those.
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