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That was awesome.
err build ultras. Ret is one of the worst players I swear. He just abuses zerg larvae and plays risky.
Epic Air Battles.
What could Z have done vs that T mech army? Seriously. Mass infestor is the only thing I can think of.
inb4 zerg players cry that terran is op, even though ret didnt make the obvious switch into ultras and just played bad
Pretty interesting game. Ret's mistakes were quite numerous.
Obviously it's hard to scout a Terran building 2 CC's in the back of their base while they're ALSO building their 3rd CC -- it just looks like they're only taking their third, and Ret's overlord got picked off before it made it to the far side of the Terran's main. But getting an overseer to actually pull off a scout obviously would have paid dividends. Even getting 4 roaches and some speedlings at a reasonably early time for a mini-bust would have probably made for a successful scout with minimal delay to your droning fiesta. Obviously a ton of opportunities for Ret to just make some early / mid game attacks and end the game, but his scouting was lackluster and he has this compulsion to make 4-digit numbers of drones before doing anything.
As far as later game goes, people have already mentioned "just switch to ultras" which certainly would have done well, but that wasn't even the only solution. 100 zerglings with full upgrades, sent to 10 different places in groups of 10 would easily cause all kinds of havoc in that situation -- Ret's attack attempts were always done by running right into a PF, never into an undefended base like the main or natural. Considering Ret was constantly floating huge minerals and larvae and only ever strapped for gas, this should have been happening many times all game.
Also, ONE infested terran can single-handedly kill multiple Point Defense Drones. It can't block instant-animation bullets. Numerous occasions where a little micro would have gone a long way.
But it's cool to see dozens of clumped up air units die to Hunter-Seekers, so I'm really not complaining :D
As a point to Cyniko, I'm pretty sure every time your video recording lagged, your voice chat did NOT lag. By the end of the video it seems out of sync by nearly 5 seconds. Gotta try to fix that lag.
I agree with #7, great game and good casting but video pauses and audio out of sync was annoying.
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