Added on Mon May 26, 2014

[ZvT] Stephano vs Bomber (Best of 3)
-Lone Star Clash 3
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Sheth
Sun May 25, 2014

[TvP] Polt vs MVP.Seed (Best of 3)
-Lone Star Clash 3
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Sheth

[PvT] MVP.Seed vs binkski (Best of 3)
-Lone Star Clash 3
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Sheth
Fri May 23, 2014

[TvT] SeleCT vs Heart (Best of 3)
-Lone Star Clash 3
-Group Stage
/ cast by:Destiny & Sheth