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Online: ESL_TV, mcanning
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, RotterdaM, BratOK, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Terrible game
lolololol yes!!!1
sorry, not agreeing with zergboy#1, this game was AWESOME!!!!
Awful game. Guy plays like an @$$hole and exploits the worst parts of SC. Idra could have responded better but he has every right to be mad when people play like that. ABUSIVE is the right word.
Idra did not react fast enough to the void ray and should have focused down pylons instead of buildings with roaches; this is a terrible build by protoss but I guess that it works vs bad zergs (not that Idra is bad overall, he was just bad this game).
void ray = void ray reveal, my bad
Glad some people liked it, it wasn't the longest game but I like to vary it up sometimes :)
Na, it was a bad game, a bad cheese play that made no sense, and an even worse response. Ne needed spines to pick at cannons and tank shots, and queens for the AA. Roaches were a good choice, but he spent so much on lings that should have been spines and queens.
Man I can only imagine the rage that Idra went through...
You guys smell that? You smell that Idra rage? Delicious.
This was a great game. The only ppl raging are zergs. Abusive = speedlings and mutas harass so stop crying.
Lol... I am not a zerg fan boy. I am just saying it was a terrible game.
Here's the reasons:
1) Nonsense builds, that wouldn't work at all against any reasonably skilled players.
2) The game didn't teach you anything you didn't already know.
3) There isn't even balance related matters in the game. Just bad play.
4) How can this be entertaining? Knowing IdrA and the casters, you knew he was going to lose even before you started the game. And you knew it would be a terrible play that didn't require any skill, cause that's usually how nonamers beat IdrA.
5) There was no skill involved for neither player. How can this game inspire anyone?
So much hate this game is bad :(
Im glad Madals found a way to get another Idra cast even after Idra stopped actively playing. Awesome game choice as well!
You just know when you see Madals cast an Idra game its going to be good! Idra will lose, Idra will rage-quit, and if your lucky he'll even say some not-so-nice words!
Same pattern everytime, very nice for people like me who got nothing to do other then watch Idra lose!
Fact that the game was months old, or that if Idra wasn't playing in it no one would pay any intention to it. Or if the names we're blacked-out you would've been sure it was a silver league game doesn't matter
It's Idra loosing. What else do we want!?
(I seriously being to doubt my state of mind when I click these game knowing all of the above, then bothering to read the comments. Then bothering to comment myself)
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