Not bad game, but nothing special to me. Muta ling bane vs bio thors - most common high level game. Maybe smbd could explain, why is it so popular?
Comment # 2 by Kronoboost
It is very rarely you can watch when "marine factory" style best Terran loses vs Zerg.
Comment # 3 by mOjoPrestige
RorO played so well to marineking's personal ways of doing things. He purposefully waited to go 3/3 in order to create the ideal army to handle the transition from 3rd command center, knowing that after dealing with a drop, he would have enough mutas and time left on even upgrades to snipe the double e-bays that Marineking had left exposed, suddenly putting him ahead on army supply with a massive upgrade advantage, able to force the terran composition, which we saw answered with two giant waves of banelings. The cost efficient trading from then on was too easy from that point on, and Marineking got outplayed. RorO plays so smart
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Not bad game, but nothing special to me. Muta ling bane vs bio thors - most common high level game. Maybe smbd could explain, why is it so popular?
It is very rarely you can watch when "marine factory" style best Terran loses vs Zerg.
RorO played so well to marineking's personal ways of doing things. He purposefully waited to go 3/3 in order to create the ideal army to handle the transition from 3rd command center, knowing that after dealing with a drop, he would have enough mutas and time left on even upgrades to snipe the double e-bays that Marineking had left exposed, suddenly putting him ahead on army supply with a massive upgrade advantage, able to force the terran composition, which we saw answered with two giant waves of banelings. The cost efficient trading from then on was too easy from that point on, and Marineking got outplayed. RorO plays so smart
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