G2 is probably the most strategically interesting Roach v. Roach game I've ever seen. Not just waves crashing into each other, but lots of striking and counterstriking.
Comment # 2 by mOjoPrestige
^and the third game was the same way with muta/ling. I almost died when that one baneling was chasing that clump of injured drones.
Comment # 3 by Trevor_Skies
Um did anyone notice the 3 game minutes of time lost in G3 at minute 53:00 during the muta vs muta attack? IT jumps from 17:44 to 20:48.
Comment # 4 by Noeliu
Champagne face LoLoLoLoLoLoLoL
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G2 is probably the most strategically interesting Roach v. Roach game I've ever seen. Not just waves crashing into each other, but lots of striking and counterstriking.
^and the third game was the same way with muta/ling. I almost died when that one baneling was chasing that clump of injured drones.
Um did anyone notice the 3 game minutes of time lost in G3 at minute 53:00 during the muta vs muta attack? IT jumps from 17:44 to 20:48.
Champagne face LoLoLoLoLoLoLoL
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