Does anyone know what happened during the pause in game 2? I heard the casters say Byul got a popup of sorts, causing him to lose a muta flock somewhere?
Any more details to that? was it indeed his own fault? I thought the computers themselves were provided by the tournament, where you can bring your own peripherals (kb/mouse and even monitor if you want).
Valdez mentioned very firmly that - if it were up to him - he'd not give Byul leniency because its his own responsibility.
But if the PC is indeed provided by the tournament, it may very well be not be Byul's fault after all...
Comment # 2 by arakura
He says "if it's your equipment and it malfunctions for some reason...," so I'm assuming that he believes it is the fault of Byul's peripherals. I'm pretty sure they only tell the casters enough to smooth things over; It's very possible that he just doesn't understand the situation. Or he isn't properly conveying the fact that it was Byul's peripherals at fault, if they were.
The fact that they took so long to come to a decision suggests that it wasn't very clear-cut Byul's fault. Or that they themselves are not sure and are digging into the situation.
Comment # 3 by mOjoPrestige
Theres a good chance it wasnt byul's fault if it was simply a driver popup or something trying to auto update on the hardware side of things. Regardless, the most they would have been able to do was load from replay before the fight.
For whatever reason, they decided to resume from pause but byul did not recieve a warning. So it seems like the ref decided on a happy medium that was fair to both players.
Comment # 4 by Xeneonic
Alright, fair enough. Byul still won that game so I guess he's alright with it afterwards; but if he had lost because he lost a good chunk of his mutas, I think he'd have a few harsh words for the referees. Either way, an "if" situation so it doesn't really apply anyway.
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Does anyone know what happened during the pause in game 2? I heard the casters say Byul got a popup of sorts, causing him to lose a muta flock somewhere?
Any more details to that? was it indeed his own fault? I thought the computers themselves were provided by the tournament, where you can bring your own peripherals (kb/mouse and even monitor if you want).
Valdez mentioned very firmly that - if it were up to him - he'd not give Byul leniency because its his own responsibility.
But if the PC is indeed provided by the tournament, it may very well be not be Byul's fault after all...
He says "if it's your equipment and it malfunctions for some reason...," so I'm assuming that he believes it is the fault of Byul's peripherals. I'm pretty sure they only tell the casters enough to smooth things over; It's very possible that he just doesn't understand the situation. Or he isn't properly conveying the fact that it was Byul's peripherals at fault, if they were.
The fact that they took so long to come to a decision suggests that it wasn't very clear-cut Byul's fault. Or that they themselves are not sure and are digging into the situation.
Theres a good chance it wasnt byul's fault if it was simply a driver popup or something trying to auto update on the hardware side of things. Regardless, the most they would have been able to do was load from replay before the fight.
For whatever reason, they decided to resume from pause but byul did not recieve a warning. So it seems like the ref decided on a happy medium that was fair to both players.
Alright, fair enough. Byul still won that game so I guess he's alright with it afterwards; but if he had lost because he lost a good chunk of his mutas, I think he'd have a few harsh words for the referees. Either way, an "if" situation so it doesn't really apply anyway.
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