"Thank goodness those buildings build themselves!!" - classical expert commentary by Rapid adding valuable insight for the viewers.
Comment # 2 by WrongHorseBAtterySta
And then, during most of the climactic fight in game 3 he just keeps spouting his cringy, lame metaphors, denying Artosis the chance of actually talking about what's going on.
PLEASE stop letting RAPiD commentate, there are so many better casters out there.
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"Thank goodness those buildings build themselves!!" - classical expert commentary by Rapid adding valuable insight for the viewers.
And then, during most of the climactic fight in game 3 he just keeps spouting his cringy, lame metaphors, denying Artosis the chance of actually talking about what's going on.
PLEASE stop letting RAPiD commentate, there are so many better casters out there.
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