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Live Starcraft 2 Streams checked every 5 minutes
Online: ESL_TV, BratOK, Nathanias
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
Online: ESL_TV, BratOK, Nathanias
Offline: Artosis, ViBE, Crank, RotterdaM, WinterStarcraft, HeroMarine, mcanning, JimRising, Harstem, Lowko, Nice, Livibee, SortOf
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Sharp vs HerO (BO7 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Barracks vs Bisu (BO3 in 1 Video) by: Artosis & tasteless
Need to fix your screen recording tool. It cuts out constantly.
it is rediculous as terran as you need more barracks than there is space for on the map to keep track of your macro against P and Z ...
Horrible cast/video.
Horrible video quality - skipps, stutters and black out continually. Cast is equally as bad.
Why oh why is the war owl the only one to cast a game by Huk. I mean they were not very good games anyway but he easily one of the worst casters out there, but, here he is with games by premium players.
FFS War Owl, if you want to cast, drop the lame voice, you sound like a kid im personating buzz lightyear and failing badly.
I like huk but can't help but feel he was fooling around (or testing strategies?) especially in game 1 where he didn't move into colossus for a long time (almost as if he was trying to see what damage he could do without it).
thanks for cast though
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